Chapter 11

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I'm on my knees, crawling my way upstairs. Only, once I make it to the landing, I wish I waited a little longer. That's when Kayne opens his door and the first thing, I notice is the grin on his face. Well, until he sees me anyway.
Yeah, he hangs his head before moving towards the bathroom. Only, I need to sort this out. So, I quickly reach out and catch his arm. Luckily, he stops and lifts his head. Crap, he looks a little torn. He's waiting for me to say something. As expected, I'm kinda lost. I've no idea what to say.

"I'm-" I'm trying to speak to him but I don't get to finish because he cuts in.
"I'll be going to London for a few days. I have a shoot booked so I'll be leaving tomorrow first thing."
He doesn't look happy about it but that look could be for me. He's probably feeling what I am - lost.
"Oh... Um, okay," is all I say. Hell, I'm not even sure of what I should say now.
"What were you going to say, Mars?"
That... I want you and I'm just as confused about it all, is what I want to say. What the hell? No! You can't tell him, woman.

"Oh, it was nothing. It, it doesn't matter. Goodnight, Kayne."
He nods his head and when he responds, my stomach flips.
"Sweet dreams, Principessa."
He walked away, leaving me standing there staring at the back of his head. Once he locks the bathroom door, I hear the shower turn on. That's when I realise, I'm still standing there.

"I'm screwed. I'm truly freaking screwed."
After whispering the words, I open my bedroom door. When I closed it, I undress for bed. Skipping my Jim-jams, I go with my normal lazy bed wear, which is a vest top and boy shorts.
I'm feeling a little lonely, so I grab my old plush penguin. It's one that normally sits on my rocking chair. While I'm warming up, I'm snuggling into him. I've had him for years and he's always there for me when I need a hug. My grandad bought him for me when I was little. It's tatty and worn now but it's still a comfort. So, while I'm snuggling in, I think over what Kayne's told me. It's probably for the best he's going. I mean, it'll give me time to sort my head out.

Why the hell am I feeling so disappointed that he's going? This is not a 'normal' reaction to want someone this much. Hell, especially since I've only known him a short time. Heck, it's not even been a full week yet. Yep, it's not normal. Not for someone like me anyway, since I can't trust men for shit! Not all men though. No, it's the ones who only wanna know me for what's inside my under-kecks.


Beep-beep, beep-beep...

What the hell? Why is my alarm going off at seven in the bastard morning, please? While I reach over to turn it off, I'm squeezing my eyes trying to shield myself from the morning light. It's streaming through my window. Once it finally stopped, I lay back down with a huff. Oh crap, my head hurts! Ah, bollocks. Shell and I are heading into town today. You know, for the viewings. Oh, I hope she's okay to go with me? Seriously, her road rage isn't the greatest when she's at her best, never mind in a hungover state. I can only imagine her feeling a hell of a lot worse than me.
Reluctantly, I pull myself out of bed. Thankfully, my ankle is pretty much okay now. I mean, it's still a little tender but it's not as bad as last night. Eventually, I make my way to the bathroom, after feeling the need to pee. Once I wash my hands, I brush my teeth and then head downstairs to make a Lar-tay.

While walking towards the kitchen, I'm rubbing my eyes not taking notice of my surroundings. I'm hoping we have some aspirin. While I'm doing this, I suddenly crash into a brick wall. Oh, it's not a wall of concrete. No, it's a wall of Kayne's chest, his very naked chest.
He's holding my shoulders, steadying me. Almost instantly, I feel the heat from his body. I'm also thinking he'll pull back but no, he holds on. He's slowly moving his hands around my back, caging me in his arms. I find I cannot move, with one of my hands down by my side. The other's trapped, pressing against his chest. My heart's going crazy. I only hope he can't feel it? You know, with being this close.
I'm looking into his beautiful eyes. I've stopped breathing again. Fucker! I can feel his breath on my face, it makes me shiver. Oh, and it's not because I'm cold either. Again, he's slowly heading for my jaw and then to my ear. I still don't think I'm breathing.
What's he going to do? Oh, Jesus, I can feel his length. It's pressed up against me. What are we doing? I'm panting now. I'm seriously panting. Then suddenly, in a low and husky, just woken up voice, he whispers into my ear.

"Respirare, Principessa."
I kid you not, my whole body shivers along with tingles running through me. They're heading towards my lady parts, forcing me to take in a huge gulp of air. I'm desperate for air, needing it to fill my lungs. To be honest, they feel like I've starved of air, you know, since the day I set my eyes on him. I don't know what the hell he just said, but I liked it. I liked it so much I can feel my boy shorts becoming soaked with need. Oh hell, I want him so fucking bad right now.
I've imagined doing this so many times, just having him hold me like this. I've imagined this happening, but it feels so much better doing it for real. Hell, it feels much better than it did in my head. He pulls his head back so I'm now looking up into his eyes again. I can see and feel how he's affected by this, just as much as I am. This is nuts. I can't do this, yet I know I want to. I do so fucking badly.
I have to fight this, I can't do it. I can't allow him in, only because I'll end up getting hurt again. My heart couldn't take another hit. Not from him, he'll destroy me. He'll shatter me into a million pieces, but I want him. Why do I want him so much? This constant battle to stay away, it's draining the hell out of me.
He must see the indecision in my eyes too because I see a flutter of fright and sadness. Then I see something else. It's something that looks like determination. It's when I began pulling away. I'm slightly shaking my head while manage to croak out his name. Yet, it's cut off when he takes me by surprise. He growls while pulling me back, once again connecting our chests.
It takes a few seconds to realise what's happening, but he's kissing me. Holy crap! I can feel his lips, they're pressed against mine. He's kissing me, trying to get me to open up whilst seeking entrance. I'm not moving, only because I think I'm in shock. Should I kiss him back or pull away? It's almost like he's pleading for me to allow him in. Moments later, he pulls back a little. Only to whisper against my lips,

"Please Mars, stop listening to that little voice in your head. Let me kiss you. Please, allow me to kiss you like I've wanted to since the very first moment I saw you."
Oh hell, how the hell does he know what I'm thinking?
"Mars, tell that voice to jump ship, please. Just fucking kiss me like I know you want to."

Hearing him speak like this, well, it's with so much need. He wants me as much as I want him. I end up surprising myself by saying 'fuck it'. Yep, I give in and kiss him. I kiss him with the same amount of passion he's giving me. I caved and allowed him in. I'm so weak but right now, I don't give a shit. I'm so turned on that I want him to take me right here, right now. I'm pushing my body onto his, needing to take the pressure off. I need to ease this constant ache. It's been building between my legs since the day we locked eyes.
He must feel this too because he's lifting me, making me wrap my legs around his waist. He's holding onto my arse, pulling me against him. Almost instantly, I feel his length. He's pressing it against that pulse, relieving some of the pressure building up, only it's not enough. I want more. So, I move. I'm moving against him, making him growl as I go. He suddenly stops kissing me, only to grit out through clenched teeth.

"Mars, I want you. I want you so fucking badly Principessa."
He ends that by pushing me against the island. Once again, our lips reconnect. This time, I carry on with my quest of feeling more. I need to feel him in my hands. So, feeling brave, I reach down and slide my hand inside his boxers. Once I'm in, I wrap my hand around him.

Holy mother, he's big and thick. His skin's as smooth as silk. My hand glides over the tip as I rub his pre-juices around his length. It's making it easier to move over his hot skin. He moans, obviously enjoying my touch. His dick seems to have grown and it feels a lot bigger somehow. As he moves his hips, I feel it twitch in my hand. He's pushing his length into my hand. Oh boy, I want him inside me, so fucking bad. While making a moaning sound, I rasp out his name. He responds by whispering against my lips.

"Mars, baby, what do you want?"
What do I want? I mean, this is all new to me. I'm not used to this intense, overwhelming kind of feeling, of wanting someone this much. Yet, I'm so out of it now. I don't know what the hell I'm saying, but all I know is that right now, I want him. I so badly want him to touch me.

"Touch me, Kayne. I want... Oh god, I just want you."
As soon as the words pass my lips, he pulls me away from the island and carries me into the living room. Once there, he gently sat me on the sofa. Then as my butt hits the fabric, he kneels in front of me. He's running his hands up my thigh. I feel him as he grips the edge of my shorts, only to stop in his movements. He's looking into my eyes, silently asking for permission. Seeing this, I end up biting my lip. I think I'm losing my mind now because I give a little nod of my head before closing my eyes. Just feeling the rush of his hands on my body feels so good. Jesus, his slow trails over my body's making me shiver again.

"Jesus, I love seeing you shiver for me. Mars don't think I haven't noticed when you do that. I have to tell you, you make me hard every time I see you. Every time I see you squeeze your legs together for me, baby, I'm hard as fuck."
My body bows, just with hearing his words. I'm squeezing my legs together again. His words are seriously doing all sorts of crazy things to me.

Eventually, he pulled my shorts down from under me. He's pulling them off me. So now, I'm sitting in front of him with only my vest top on. It's ridden up just a little. When I don't feel him move again, I open my eyes to see him staring at my dragon tattoo. He's looking at me with that sexy smirk of his.
Now running his hand up my thigh, oh so fucking slowly, it's almost painful to watch. Carrying on his trail, he heads up and over my hip. He's moving up my ribs, never taking his eyes from my tattoo. Then he pushes his hand under my top. I'm not wearing a bra, so when his hand connects with my chest, he inhales a sharp breath.

"Perfect Mars... you're so fucking perfect."
The next thing I know, he's gripping the hem of my vest, lifting it over my head. He pulls back a little, getting a good look at my tits. Moments later, his hand moved over them. Only to then, finally, lift his eyes to mine. I see they're filled with pure lust. I can see how much he wants me. It's so intense that I'm almost ready to let him have me.

"So beautiful," he says then wraps his mouth around my nipple, licking. He's caressing it with his tongue. The feel of him doing it sent shocks through my body. It's heading straight to my pulsing pussy, which feels so good.
I hear myself call his name again, wanting more. He then left my tits, making his way down. Yep, all the way down. Once there, he grabs my legs. He's just about to open them, close to getting exposed to him but then the panic sets in and I stop him. I've had no one go there before, so I feel self-conscious. He stops too and looks up. He's looking at me with eyes a little wide but then, I guess he sees what I'm thinking. I know he does, especially with his response to me.

"I want... Baby, I need to taste you. I'm going to taste you, so don't feel embarrassed. Baby, you are perfect. I've wanted to do this since that first day when I laid my eyes on you.
My dick's never been so fucking hard. Not from wanting someone so fucking much anyway. Don't hold back, okay? Never hold back with me, especially when I make you come. I need to hear you. I want to hear my name on your lips when I make you come."

His words make me moan again. His face is so close to mine, I can see his eyes are burning with desire. Then he kisses me and before pulling away again, he asks me something that made my face turn red. I'm feeling so shy right now, a little embarrassed. I want to turn my eyes away from his intense ones, but I can't.

"Principessa, has anybody touched like this before? Am I going to be the first? Will I be the first to taste you?" He asked while playing with my pussy.

Oh, Jesus. My mouth's slightly open, just trying to take in some air. I'm holding onto the back of his head while he kisses my neck. I give a quick nod, telling him no.
"Nobody's ever done that before."
He pulls back, looking into my eyes again. His face lights up like it's fucking Christmas.
"Oh, baby..." he moans "I'll make this good for you. Trust me, okay. Baby, just relax and let me take care of you. Okay? Tell that little voice in your head to piss off. I'm going to take care of you, Principessa."

As he said this, he pushed his finger inside of me. I end up crying out a little, totally loving the feel of him doing it. With hooded eyes, I look into his again. Then I bite my lip, just seeing the intense look he's giving me, well, it spurs me on. So, I nod my head and he smiles. All the while this is happening. He's still fucking me with his fingers.

"Good girl. Fuck me, your pussy's tight."
I'm about to shy away again but he stops me, kissing me again. I'm sitting here naked, and I'm still feeling a little self-conscious, but I allow him. I let him do what he wants while I ignore that voice in my head. I allow him to do what I need him to do.

We're both breathless when he eventually pulls back. Only then does my heart jump when I watch him make his way down again. Once he connects with my soaked heat, I end up shivering. He's opening my folds with his tongue, moving his mouth around my sensitive nub. It's like he's kissing me. I like it so much that I grab his hair. I'm pulling him closer to me, needing him to keep going. I'm so close to coming already. I'm so turned on. It's like he's kissing me down there. He's turning my insides into a tight hot mess. He's almost savage, but it's soft, almost loving. He's making love to me with his mouth. He's touching me, with his tongue and I love it.
Fuck me, he feels amazing.

Kayne moved from his quickened pace to slow, only to quicken his pace again. Oh boy, it feels so good. He's moving his tongue from my clit, down to my entrance, pushing it inside of me. He's pushing his tongue in as far as he can go.
"Oh god, Kayne, yes..."
I don't know how to describe this feeling. I've felt nothing this good before. I'm lost when he moves back to my nub, replacing his tongue with his finger. As soon as he enters me, I call out his name again.

"God, that feels so fucking good"
I can feel myself building, he's relentless, moving his mouth, licking me. He's fucking me with his fingers while I'm moving my hips in time with his movements. I'm feeling an intense rush building spreading all over my body. The more he moves, the more I move with him.
"Kayne, I'm gonna cum." I hear him moan with hearing my words. The vibration sends more pleasure through me. My whole body tightens up, only to feel my release explode through me. My body arches as I once again, call out to him. I keep clinging to his hair while I climax around his fingers. I'm still feeling the tremors as he slows down his movements, letting my body settle down.
Eventually, he makes his way back up my body. Once his eyes meet mine again, he shocks me as he places his fingers in his mouth. He licks my juices from them.
"Baby, you taste so good." He said, and told me to lie down. I do it, and he lies on top of me. He feels so good
"Next time..." He kisses me and then whispers against my lips. "Next time I make you cum, Principessa, I promise I'll have your pussy wrapped around my dick. It'll be there, while you scream my name. Fuck me... that was one of the sexiest things I've ever seen. I'm rock hard, baby."
He's pushing his covered length against my still pulsing heat, I end up moaning. I can't help it, I push back against him. I'm feeling my need for him rising again. He began kissing me, and just as we're starting to move again, I hear the door open. Bugger! Talk about a bucket of cold water getting thrown over you. I hear their footsteps going upstairs, going to the bathroom. Once the word "shit" left my lips, I quickly push hi away. This quick action almost made him fall to the floor.
"Oh crap, sorry!" I end up giggling while looking for my clothes. "Quick, Kayne, where are my shorts? Where the hell did you throw them?"
He chuckles and I bite my lip. He walks across the room and retrieves them. While he's doing this, I'm scrambling to pull my vest on.
Eventually, he hands them over, so I quickly pull them on as well. Only, before I can move anywhere, he moves his hand to my waist. Lord, we're once again pressing our chests against each other.
He plants his lips against mine, kissing me. It becomes pretty heated again. It doesn't help the fact he's lifting my leg, pushing his hard covered length against my heat. Naturally, I moan again with the need to feel him. Only this time, I want him inside of me.
"How's the ankle Mars?" He asked while kissing my jaw. Huh, my ankle...? Oh yeah, I forgot about it again. You see, my brain's consumed with him. With this thought, I end up huffing out a laugh, "It's fine, much better now."
I'm moving against him, feeling my walls constrict just imagining how far we'll go. Only just as we began pulling at each other, I hear the bathroom door closing. Reluctantly, I push him away again and rush towards the kitchen, just trying my best to calm myself. I need to look calm. Hell, I need to look at least sweet and innocent. You know, so whoever it is suspects nothing.
Moments later, Shell enters the room. She's looking rather worse for wear as well. Ouch. So, while I'm trying to control my breathing, I'm feeling thankful she's not looking at me. Not yet anyway. So, I take this moment to look at Kayne. I notice he's looking pretty proud of himself. He's looking up and down my body, making me shiver. He sees it, then with a grin, he bites his lip.
Oh boy, he's so sexy. Just as I'm thinking this, reality eventually kicks in. You know, with what we've done. Oh hell, what the hell's wrong with me?

When I turn to look at Shell, I ask how she's feeling. While she's filling the coffeepot, she turns to look at me. I notice she only has one eye open when she says not as good as you.

"You know, judging by the 'fudge me' sounds you were just making back there." She ends that with a cheeky wink and a double click of her tongue, and said, "Latté?"


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