Chapter 52

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When I turn around, he's there with bags in tow.
"I know you are, baby. You're the most awesomeness fiancé a girl could ask for," I tell him and then chuckle when I see him grinning.
I still have my phone to my ear when he turns to look at me. I see love, lust and need all wrapped in one muscle bundle of Dean Headley. My breathing hitches just at the intensity of it. Gosh, he's sexy as hell.
"Did...." I take a big gulp of air into my lungs while just trying to catch my breath.
"Did you get everything?"
He grins again, nodding as he slowly stalks towards me, looking like a man on a mission.
"Dean, don't even think about doing what I think you're going to do. We don't have time. People will arrive in a couple of hours, and I need to finish the food and decorate this place."
He cuts in when he drops the bags on the floor and pulls me into his embrace.
"Oh, Angel, we have plenty of time. Now let me sink into you. I've been thinking about you for the past hour. I really need to be inside of you, darling."
I bite my lip as a shiver wrecks through my body.
"See, you know, you want it too, baby. You need this just as much as I do."
Dean pulled back to unbuckle his belt and jeans, pulling out his impressive length. He then strokes it while looking at me with a "come get it" look in his eyes, but I know what I want to do; I want to taste him. I've not done this yet. Not with anyone, but I know I want to try this with him.
"Oh no, Blue, I have a much better idea."
He tilts his head, wondering what I'm about to do. As I slowly move closer to him, I notice his breathing has quickened, and the lust in his eyes is sexy as hell. I stand in front of him and remove his t-shirt. Gosh, I do love this man, and his body is out of this world.
I start by teasing his nipple with my tongue, and he wraps my hair around his hand, pulling me to him.
"Mmm, is this my naughty devil coming out to play? What are you going to do, Angel?"
I can't stop the grin forming on my lips, and I'm looking into Dean's eyes. I see his pupils dilate and see pure want and need shine in them.
"I will do this."
I slowly move down his body, kissing it as I go. I feel him shiver, and then he seethes through his teeth. When I finally reach the floor, I sit down in front of him. I'm on my knees when I take hold of his length. I lean in and wet my lips. Once satisfied, I lick the tip.
"Shit... Angel, are you going to suck my dick?" He asked, shocked.
It made me giggle while looking at him through hooded eyes. I genuinely love the shocked but intense look on his face. I send him a cheeky wink and then wrap my mouth around him, instantly tasting him. I love the feel of him while he pulses and twitches in my mouth.

A few hours later, our guests began arriving. My Dad and Dean's parents are here, along with Carl and Joseph. So, we're just waiting on Mars, Kayne, and my friend Jack to arrive. When the doorbell chimes again, I rush to open it. I'm hoping it's my bestie's.
"Woo-Hoo, bitches. It's about time you two showed your backsides. I was getting pretty worried, in case you decided not to come," I tell Mars, and she smiled, but it's a forced one.
Oh no, what's wrong now?
I give her a look to ask this, but she gives me a slight shake of her head to say she'll tell me later.
"Sorry, we're a little late, sweets. It took a little longer to get ready than usual," Mars chuckles, but again it seems pretty forced.
"Oh, don't worry. You're both here now. Come on in; everybody's here. We're just waiting for Jack to arrive."
I see Kayne physically cringe just at the mention of Jack. Strange.
"What?" I ask while looking at him and wondering what's wrong.
"Nothing. So, what drinks have we got? I'm parched." Kayne says as he heads to the kitchen. I look back to Mars.
"Is he okay? He seems different."
She sighs and shakes her head.
"I've honestly no clue, sweets. Kayne's not been the same since we got back. It's freaking me out, to be honest, but I guess he'll tell me when he's ready. We've just got to wait."
"Well, I'm here if you need me. I'm not sure what I'd be able to do, but if I can help, I'll do my best."
I pull Mars in for a hug, and she clings to me, making me feel the tears prick my eyes.
"Thanks, sweets. I truly appreciate it, but, unfortunately, I have a feeling things will get worse before they get better."
She sighs again. Oh, Poor Mars. I wish I could help, but I've not got a clue what that would be. I guess all I can do is to be here for her whenever she needs me.
"Come on, let's stuff our faces. Mini Vincente needs my special cheesecake," I tell her with a wink, making her smile.
"Oh, happy days. I love those bad boys."
"Ah, there she is, my other favourite crazy girl. How are you doing?" My dad cheerfully asks Mars when she enters the living room. She smiled and hugged him.
"Hi, big fella. I'm doing good, thanks. A little tired, but good. How are you? I heard that my man was the one who's been inking you. You kept that quiet, didn't you?" Mars looks at him with a raised eyebrow, probably wondering why he hasn't been to see her for a tattoo yet.
"Ah, you know me, my little firecracker. I like to stick to my usual spots. As much as I love your work, I'm not keen on you looking at my body. I mean, you're practically my daughter. It would just be too weird." He twists his face, making us all laugh.
"Which reminds me, Kayne, when can you fit me in, lad? I need this chest piece finished."
"I'm free tomorrow if you want it done?" Mars' head snaps to Kayne's.
Oh no, don't go there, Kayne.
"Um, Kayne, we're going to my mother's...remember?" I hear her voice crack a little.
"No. Don't be daft, lad. I'll be having my new year's dinner tomorrow. How about the day after?"
Kayne huffed out a "whatever," and then Mars walked out of the room. She's heading for the kitchen, so I follow her.
"Are you okay, sweets?" I ask her, and then she sighs.
"Yeah, sorry about this babe, the last thing I want to do is bring a downer on your night."
"Hey, don't worry about that. It's no fun anyway when we can't even get pissed together." I tell her with a chuckle, making her smile.
"That's true. God, I could do with a drink right now. I've never felt so useless. I don't know what the hell to do, Shell. Is it me? Is it something I've done? He won't even talk to me."
I sigh after hearing her words. She's nuts because that lad loves her to bits.
"I don't think it's you, sweets. I think it's whatever went down that night. He might be finding it hard to wrap his head around it, maybe? I don't know, but one thing I do know about that lad is that he loves you. I've never seen a fiercer love. Just give him time. I'm sure he'll sort it out soon enough, but if he doesn't well, I'll kick his arse for you."
Mars chuckles when I say this. She then nods, telling me she'll hold me to that.
"Hey-Hey, bitches what's going on?" Carl asks, now looking worried when he sees Mars' face.
"Hormones lad, pregnancy is a bitch," Mars tells him with a chuckle.
"Oh, say no more, woman. You know, I heard spa days are good for that. Is that true?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Ooo, now that sounds like just what I need. How about we sort something out soon? I need a break with my besties," Mars says while looking hopeful.
"I'll sort it out for us. Is it just us? Or do you want to bring the boys too?"
Mars shakes her head and then sighs, "No, just us, babes. I have a feeling Kayne wouldn't come, anyway. Plus, this will be a good time for us to catch up. So, you can tell me what's going on with you and Mr hot pants in there."
Carl sighed but conceded.
"Okay, I'll sort everything out, and I'll let you know the details once I get it done. Then we'll all have a good heart to heart. Okay?"
We all agree
"I guess this will be a good thing to clear all our cobwebs away, a "clean slate," so to speak.
"Ooo, and we can discuss both of the weddings. Have you set a date yet, Shell?" Carl asks excitedly, making me grin biting my lip.
"Oh, yes." They're both looking at me, waiting for me to answer.
"It will be at Christmas next year...wait for it. In Italy," I tell them while clapping my hands, being overly excited. They both join in, jumping around with me like the loons we are.
"Oh, my freaking God! That will be perfect for you, sweets. Oh, I can't wait for this. Eeek, and I'll be able to visit Roberto's winery and taste all that wine this time." Mars chuckles, making me laugh.
"Do you think Kayne's parents would allow us to stay with them again?" I ask, hoping they wouldn't mind because I adore the place.
"I shouldn't see why not? I'll have a word with him and see what he says, but I don't think they'd mind."
My heart begins to dance with flutters in my stomach. Just the thought of going back there makes me smile. I just loved the place. I still remember the fun Dean and I had while we were there.
"Is this party happening in here now?" Dean asked as he snakes his arms around my waist, bringing me out of my thoughts on that day. He places a kiss on the side of my head, making me snuggle into his embrace. Dean makes me giggle, especially when he whispers in my ear, telling me he's still getting little twinges. They're running through his dick just from having flashbacks of my mouth around it.
"Oh, and Jacks here." my body jumps to attention at the mention of my old friend.
"Eeek, excuse me, guys. I'll be right back."
I leave them to greet Jack. When I enter the living room, I see he's stood in the doorway looking all hot as ever. Jeez, I'll never get over his height.
"Jack, you need to have a chat with our Kayne here about getting you some modelling work. Bloody hell, lad, you look all hot and brooding standing there. You're looking like something from that London sin mag." I tell him and fan my face. I'm chuckling when I see his face flush red with a shy grin.
"Oh no, the world couldn't handle this, sweets," Jack says as he points to himself, sweeping his hand up and down his body.
"Yeah, that's true, but seriously you could do it," I tell him as I pull him into a hug. Gosh, it's good to see him again.
"How've you been, big-lad?" I ask him I've not seen him since that day with Benson.
"I've been doing good, honey. Oh, you'll never guess what I've been up to. I've only been ghost hunting."
My face must be a picture because he's chuckling.
"Oh, sweets, don't worry, I've done this kind of stuff for years. It's nothing new, but this time it's pretty cool. I get to freak people out for fun, and people want to pay me for this shit. I've never felt comfortable on that side of it, but I've just lost my job at the bar I was working at. So, I need all the pennies I can get."
"Oh no, that's awful. Is there anything I can do? You know, to help?" I ask, worried that he's struggling.
Jack shook his head, telling me, "No, it's all good. This gig pays big bucks, sweets, but honestly, I'm set for life if this works out. It means a lot that you'd help me out. Thanks."
"Of course, honey, if you ever need me, I'm here. Oh, sorry, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce you to everyone."
I link Jack's arm and pull him further into the living room.
"Guys, this is my old best friend from growing up, Jack Landsman. Jack, you might remember my dad, Ben senior."
"Hi, Mr Adams, long-time no see. How've you been?"
My dad smiles as they shake hands, "I've not been too bad, Jack. It's good to see you again after all these years. How are you doing? You still talk to yourself?"
I gasp. Oh, my god.
"What the hell, dad?" I ask, shocked. Jack chuckles, shaking his head patting my arm.
"Don't worry. It's okay, sweets. Your dad kind of caught me when I was talking to the old lady that was roaming around in your old house."
My eyes go wide.
"It had a ghost in there? Gosh, I knew there was something strange about that place." I respond, feeling shocked at hearing this little piece of information.
"What? You can see ghosts?" My dad asks while looking just as shocked.
Jack grins shyly, and I can tell he doesn't feel comfortable talking about it. Hell, especially with people who don't know about him.
"Well, yeah, kind of, but, to be honest, the lady in question didn't pass in that house. She passed in the hospital. Her name was Evelin."
"Oh, my god! NO WAY!" I shout out, making him wince, "My gran was there?"
I look to my dad to get his reaction to this.
"Dad, are you hearing this? Gran was at the house. What did she say to you, Jack?" I ask excitedly. I loved my gran to bits, and she was so funny, always making us laugh. Jack chuckles, and I'm guessing at how hyper I've become.
"She just said to tell you she loves you all and told me to tell Mr Adams to lay-up on the Ink and...."
"What?" I asked, wondering why he's stopped talking.
"....and well, don't shoot the messenger for the late message, but she said to get rid of that god awful woman. She's no good for my boy and my beautiful grandchildren," Jack says with tears in his eyes, making me fill up. I'm also nodding my head in understanding.

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