Chapter 48

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I'd been sitting, rotting in that hellhole for four years now. I'm out now. But while I was there, I sat in my rage. Luckily, with the power of "acting calm."
I've been out a few weeks now, and I've been watching, waiting to make my move. I've been biding my time, just waiting to go to my rose. I would've been out a lot sooner, you know if I hadn't kicked off with my cellmate Dax. I guess the wrong place and the wrong time.
It was three months into my sentence, and Sid dropped the bomb. She'd moved out of my flat, left it to fucking rot while I rotted in that shit-hole. I'd sent countless visiting orders her way, but Rose ignored every one of them. I even sent Sid to talk to her, but she got an injunction against him. This happened when she moved out. So, instead, he'd been keeping tabs on her from a distance, making sure nobody touched her. Some prick moved in with her. I lost my shit that day. I was ready to kill any fucker in my way.
I can't believe she did this to me. She knows I love her, and she knows she belongs to me too. So that cunt she's with will die! Nobody touches what is mine! So many times, she'd pissed me off while I'd been inside. So many times, I'd almost lost my shit because of it. I've had to contain myself, though. Otherwise, I'll be locked-up still.
When I met Rose, it was a Friday night. I was out with my boys, just seeing what pussy we could find. The usual crap we'd do. We'd been to a few bars already. So naturally, we had a few drinks and pills down our necks, but eventually, I watched this dark-haired chick. I'd typically wait until the end of the night to "try my luck'" only I've not had any in a while, so I thought I'd try anyway.
So, I chat her up with the usual patter like, "You're hot. Can I take you home?" that sort of thing...Hey, it usually works. She had black hair, long enough to wrap around my hand. Perfect for when I fuck her from behind. She had tattoos all over her rocking body. Oh, yes. I was so in there. She was definitely up for it. She wanted my dick fucking her little pussy, and I would have done it. That's until I spotted her. She was on the dance floor with Shell. She's "doable", but Rose was who I truly wanted. My dick was hard, just with looking at her tits. I remember thinking, "I want them wrapped around my dick, so badly..."
What you should know about me is that I'm a dick. I'm happy to go through life fucking and dumping, hopefully, on the first night, then never seen again. I don't do "relationships".
Bitches are more trouble than they're worth. Not only is my head pretty messed up, but I'm no good. I've killed and beaten people up for fun, but I've been quite happy doing it. Sadly, no fucker can change who I am. I'm just bad, and I have no heart. I feel nothing. I'm just un-saveable. Well, until her.
When my Rose came into my life, it all went out of the window. I wanted to change so badly for her, and my whole body froze, just with the sight of her. She was like a light, a breath of fresh air. She was my air and my instant calm, which I'd felt nothing like it before. Never in my whole sorry existence had I felt that. I watched her for a while, and I couldn't bear it any longer.
So, I made my way to the bar area. It's where they're having a drink. For the first time in my life, I felt nervous about talking to a woman. She looked so sexy, and her hair was like a fifties style cut, blonde and short. She also wore a tight arse red dress, one ending just above her knees.
Her tits were almost popping out of her shallow neckline. Luckily, her tit tape held it all in. I remember thinking to myself, "I'd like to push my hand in there and grab a piece."
I'm at the side of the bar now, and after a while of eye-fucking her, I felt a little brave. So, I make my move and introduced myself, using one of my "cheesy" pickup lines because they love that crap.
"Hello, beautiful. Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I just walk by again?"
She looked up with wide eyes, shocked to see me standing there. Rose checks me out, only to look away. What the hell? Okay, she's gonna play hard to get? Oh, baby. This will be a lot of fun. So naturally, I refused to give up. She challenged me, and I liked it a lot.
"Smile if you want to have sex with me?"
Rose grins.
"Aha, you grinned. You cannot take it back now. I saw it, it was a tiny one, but it was there," I say with my best smile. It makes all the ladies want to jump my bones.
"I have to tell you; you're the most beautiful woman in this place. Can I buy you, ladies, a drink?"
When she looked up again, I saw how she wasn't interested at all. Christ, she was stubborn, but I wasn't moving. So, instead of walking away, I sat down by her side. The first thing to hit me was her unique scent. It sent my heart off, making it hammer in my chest. I've never felt this before, and it's scaring the hell out of me.
After sitting down, she turned to look at me. Seconds later, she finally spoke, looking shy. Her voice alone had me hard.
"I'm sorry, but I'm out with my friend. We're out for my birthday, so I-I'm not interested. Thanks for the offer, though."
What do I do now? That was my first thought, but then with a smile, I knew I wasn't ready to give up. Seeing her shy smile told me she liked me. Just seeing how beautifully innocent she looked made my heart thud against my chest.
"It's your birthday? Can I at least buy you and your friend a drink to celebrate? I promise I'll leave you alone after that. So, what do you say, pretty lady?"
When I say that last part, I'm touching her bare arm. Then I feel her shiver, only to think about it. I know she is because she's biting her fucking lip. Damn, I want that wrapped around my dick!
Eventually, she smiled while telling me, "Okay, but just one drink, though."
"That's all I ask, beautiful. What would you like?"
I want to carry on that sentence and say, "Me or the drink?" but I hold back. For some reason, I knew I had to take my time. Eventually, I get their names, and I stayed by her side all night.

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