Chapter 29

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The next day, I woke feeling strange. I think I'm coming down with a bug. I feel like... Oh, boy! With that thought, I end up running to the toilet, where I puke my guts up. Holy mother! It's like a scene from the exorcist.
"What the hell," I hear Kayne ask. I hadn't realised he was standing behind me. Not until I feel him rub my back, "Shit, baby. Are you okay?"
I'm nodding my head just as a new wave comes over me. Oh, this isn't good. I'm supposed to be going out tomorrow, for Halloween! No way, am I missing that shit. I'll take a sick bag with me if I have to! Kayne hands me a glass of water as I'm wiping my mouth with some tissue.
"Thanks, sexy pants."
He huffs a laugh shaking his head, so after taking sips of my water, I lean my head on the cold bath and tell him I hate being sick.
"Do you want me to call in sick for you?"
Bless him. He looks so worried. It's almost like, I'm about to fall apart. So, as I nod my head, I place a slight smile on my face, "Yes, please, baby. Thank you, there's no way I can go in today, and I've missed so much work lately. I'll get the chop before I can even quit."
He huffs a laugh and nods his head, "Okay, Principessa. Come on then. Let's get you back to bed first, and then, I'll call them."
I try to stand, but he stopped me by picking me up with ease. It made me giggle while I tell him, "My Hero."
"My Queen," was his reply, and I end up moaning. When he's like this, I love it. He's so sweet.
As he lays me down in bed, then he picks up his phone to call work for me. Then when he returned, he tells me, "It's all sorted. Do you need anything, baby?" He asked.
I shook my head, telling him, "I'm good. I'm feeling a little better now." I huff out a laugh.
"Well, stay in bed for now. I don't want you pushing it, okay?"
He's looking at me, giving me a warning glare.
It makes me smile, and I say, "Yes, Master," I reply with a bit of salute, causing him to grin. He then climbed into bed, pulling me to him and cuddling me from behind.
"Aren't you meant to be at work?" I ask, and I felt him shake his head.
"Nope, I'm taking the day off with you. I mean, what kind of King would I be? You know, if I didn't take care of my queen."
"How the hell did I get so lucky? Thank you. Baby, I promise once I'm feeling myself again, I'll make it up to you." When I tell him this, I snuggle in closer.
"I'll take the feeling 'yourself' part! That'd be some hot kinky shit, right there," he says, and I feel myself blush.
"Oh, really? Well, let's hope I get better soon then, eh?"
He pushes his bulge into my arse, and then he moans, making me feel the vibration as it goes through me, making me shiver.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you that delivery should be here this afternoon, so I'll be getting a start on the attic. If you're feeling up to it, later on, do you fancy helping me tidy it up?"
Hell no, to that. My whole body jumps at the thought of going up there again, "Nope, that's not happening, Kayne. No way am I going back up there. You've got no chance. You're best off asking Dean to help you," I say with a chuckle because Dean will probably crap bricks too. He hates spooky places as much as I do.
He sighs, shaking his head, then tells me I'm a soft shit, to which I end up giving him a nudge with my elbow. Cheeky git.
"So you're telling me there is nothing up there, and you've not felt anything strange at all?"
"No, it's fine, baby. I mean, yeah. It's cold up there, but that's because it's an attic. There's no heating there. Look, why don't you come up with me? I'll hold your hand and prove to you that there's nothing to fear."
"Kayne, you just don't get it. When Shell said the same thing, she thought it was fine too until she was up there by herself one time. She said something touched her freaking face," I shiver at the thought. Kayne feels this and chuckles as he's pulling me to him.
"Okay, well, I'm going up there, so if you change your mind, let me know, and I'll hold your hand."
"Ain't ever gonna happen, Sexy-pants,"
He sighed, but lets it go. Not all the money in the world will get me to go up there ever.
So by lunchtime, I'm feeling much better. Kayne's delivery came, so he started setting up his little gym, so I went to work. He wasn't happy about it, of course. I needed to have a meeting with Mr Benjamin to tell him I'll be leaving, you know, once I've found my replacement, that is.
I made it up to Kayne first, though.

Once again, I'm sitting outside of Mr Benjamin's office. It feels a little weird only because the last time I was here, well, Kayne was with me, and it was for something entirely different from why I'm here now. Crap, I feel so much more nervous this time, though. I huff a laugh to myself. I almost jump out of my skin when he says my name.
"Miss Leigh, it's good to see you again. Please come in," I end up smiling, but I wish he wouldn't call me Miss Leigh.
Once I shake his hand, I walk into his office. I'm chewing on my lip, just trying to pull some courage. You know, for what I have to say to the man who helped me in both times of need. Once with my ex, and then with my ex-boss and not forgetting, he took a chance on me. He gave me this job to start with. Oh god, this will be tough.
He coughs and raises an eyebrow, bringing me out of my thoughts, "Okay, Mars, I'm listening," he says with a chuckle.
Huh, he's also giving me a look like he knows something. Strange, okay, here goes nothing. I take a brave deep breath and tell him.
"Mr Benjamin, I need to tell you something, and I'm not sure how to say it, to be honest."
"It sounds serious, Mars, just spit it out, I won't be mad whatever it is."
I nod and go for it, "I'm handing in my notice, but I'll stay... at least until I can find a suitable replacement for myself, but I may have found one already," I stutter out.
Damn, my hands are shaking. Why am I so nervous?
"Oh well, now that is serious news."
He opens his mouth to say more, but I cut him off.
"I have a replacement already in place, one to take over as floor manager, though. I've already passed their details onto your secretary. You know, to sort it all from there. I'd never leave without that getting sorted first."
I'm rambling on when he cuts in, "Mars, my dear girl, I know you won't let me down on this. I trust your judgment, but why are you leaving us? Oh, have you finally found what you were looking for?" He looks sad but happy for me at the same time.
"Oh, Mr Benjamin, you won't believe it until you see it. It's perfect. The owner dropped the price. I was so happy when I received the email letting me know about it, so I took it. I'm so sorry, Mr Benjamin. I've truly loved working here. Well, until all that business happened," I huff, feeling a lump forming in my throat, "It's helped me, and you've helped me out so much over the years. It's just..."
"It's your dream?" He says as a matter of fact, and my face lights up at his words.
"Oh, gosh. Yes-yes, it is my dream place. Mr Benjamin. It's everything I've ever wanted and more."
He's looking at me like a proud father would his child and says something that makes me want to cry.
"Well, I guess this is it then. Since that first day you walked into this office at sixteen years of age, I'm proud of you, Mars. Well, you were like a scared little mouse and so quiet. Hell, you almost looked petrified of me," he huffs a laugh when he says this.
"Yes. Until everything happened, I got to see you for the true gentle, kind man you still are today."

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