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It was a beautiful day in the Pride Lands and Nala was expecting to have a new cub she planned to name Kion. It was close to when Nala was expecting to give birth to Kion however an illness struck her that would kîll her if she didn't get treated in a timely fashion. In an effort to help her they started a journey to the Tree of Life where they knew they could get the help they needed in order to save Nala's life. They immediately started the journey to the Tree of Life bringing a few essential females with them such as Sarabi and Sarafina who were Simba and Nala's mothers, Zira and Mlezi who were Nala's best friends, and lastly Gina and Ziro who were two of the best hunters in the Pride. However on their journey when they were three days out Nala went into labor and started to have Kion. Zira, Sarabi, and Sarafina all helped her through it while Mlezi kept Simba calm and Gina and Ziro were out getting food for Nala. After a few hours had passed Zira came out with both parents saying Simba could come into the cave. Simba nodded and went inside to see Nala breathing heavily as their newborn son and a second cub were drinking milk. "Two, I thought Rafiki said there was only one." Said Simba. "That's what I thought as well, but we have twins, our son Kion, and our daughter Shira." Said Nala as she licked her cubs heads. Just then Ziro came in with food for Nala. "Here you go, your majesties." Said Ziro. "Thank you." Said Nala as she began to eat. Due to being very weak from her illness Nala called for Zira to come inside. It didn't take long for her to enter. "Yes Nala?" Asked her best friend. "I want to entrust you with Kion's welfare, I'm too weak to look after him myself at the moment." Said Nala. "I understand, and as honored to be chosen, I'll keep him safe as if he were my own." She said smiling. Nala smiled and passed Kion over to her best friend. Nala thanked Zira and then entrusted her daughter to one of her other friend Mlezi. That night while they were walking Zira had gone to get a drink of water saying she'd catch up to them but once they were far enough away she smirked and picked up Kion. "Hehe, ah poor poor Nala thinking I was alright with Scar's demise and Simba being king, if Scar is gone then I deserve to be Queen." She said evilly as she turned and ran back to the Pride Lands to fetch her followers. Her betrayal wouldn't be seen for at least a good while which meant this was her time to strike.

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