Chapter 2

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Kiara and Shayla were leading the way while Tiifu and Zuri were by their sides and also a little behind. They all weren't 100% sure if they trusted Krux but he did save their lives so they owed him. They saw Pride Rock coming into view and knew they'd be in trouble for sneaking out but it was their own fault so they'd take the consequences. As they got closer three lionesses jumped down from the rock and got between the girls and Krux. "Identity yourself!" Snarled the largest female who went by Greeshmi. "Guys stand down, he saved our lives, we were coming to discuss him staying in the Pride Lands." Said Kiara. "Fine but he stays right there until we get your mom and dad." Said Creda who ran up to the den.

Krux rolled his eyes and waited patiently before seeing the female return with a large male and female lion he knew to be King Simba and Queen Nala. Both of them looked at Krux. "Who are you, and why have you come to the Pride Lands?" Asked Simba. Krux stretched. "My name is Krux and as for why I'm here it's looking like I came here to be a hero, I saved those four from being killed by Jackals, but my main reason for coming here was to ask for a place in your pride." He said calmly. Nala's eyes widened and she looked at the four guilty looking girls behind her. "You four are grounded." She said angrily. They groaned and nodded before going up to Pride Rock with Creda and Kiah. Simba looked Krux up and down for a while. "You may stay, but you are under the same rules as most of the young ones. You must stay within the sight of Pride Rock unless accompanied by an adult, we've had to deal with rouge lion attacks and we are trying to protect our Pride." Said Simba. "Yeah that ain't happening, I can handle myself, I fought four Jackals and won for pete sake, I don't need a baby sitter." He said not meaning to be disrespectful. Simba held back a growl towards the disrespect but nodded his head. "Very well, you won't have a guard with you." Said Simba before he turned to go back into Pride Rock. Nala stayed behind trying to figure out why Krux seemed familiar.

Krux saw her staring and silently growled. "Can I help you?" He asked calmly looking at Nala. "Huh, sorry it's just that you seem very familiar for some reason and I don't know why." Explained Nala. "I see, I don't know why I seem familiar, my old home was known as the Wastelands, you have to be strong and ruthless in order to survive there." Said Krux. "That explains the fighting skills, but if I may ask what's with your mane, it's black and purple, I've never seen any lion with a mane like that." She said curiously. 'She is so annoying at this rate she'll piece together my lies.' He thought to himself. "I was caught by hairless apes and they messed around with my body before I killed them and escaped." He said calmly while his tail lashed back and forth. "I see, well I am sorry that happened, if you need anything come find me." Said Nala smiling as she went back into Pride Rock. Once Krux was all alone he growled. "Damn this is going to be harder than I thought if they're all as annoying as that Queen." He snarled as he scratched a rock wall before going to the den. While walking though he noticed a hidden den and walked inside it. "What's this." He asked going inside. He discovered the Lion Guard Lair.

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