Chapter 7

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(I will be introducing a character that is owned by hercega so if you wish to get to know them more go research them on her Oc books.)

Zira was waiting for Krux's report about his progress in the Pride Lands when she saw Nyusi and the skinks run her way. "Skinks, what do you have for me?" Asked Zira. "Well uh Zira two things, Krux is in with Simba's Pride and all is going good except for this one tiny problem." Said Nyusi. "And what problem is that?" Asked Zira as she looked at the skinks. "Krux may have blown his cover by toying around with his sisters mind." Said Nyata. Zira's eyes widened and she growled. "Damn, that kid is going to be annoying and he's going to ruin everything." Said Zira annoyed. "What will you do?" Asked Shupavu. "I'm going to put a sub plan in motion, Vitani, get your tail out here with your friends!" Yelled Zira into the tunnels. After a while five large female lions walked out. "What is it mom?" Asked Vitani. "Your idiot cousin has possibly screwed up his cover, I need you and your friends to go and attack the Pride Lands to help him get his cover back in order." Said Zira annoyed. Vitani nodded and they all went to prepare. "Shupavu, you and Nyeusi go and inform Krux about this plan." Said Zira. They nodded and quickly left.

While Krux was relaxing he heard the skinks scurrying his way. 'Oh great, what do they want!' He thought annoyed to himself. He opened his eyes and looked at the skinks. "What do you pests want?" He asked looking at Shupavu. "You ruined your cover you big idiot, and now you need get it back on track by fighting Vitani and her crew after they attack something here." Said Shupavu. Krux groaned seriously annoyed but nodded. "Fine, I'll go and deal with it." Said Krux annoyed. As he stood up he heard Simba and Nala talking about something so he snuck up to the wall and started listening in. "Simba are you sure you want to call upon them." Asked Nala. "Yes, Luna and her family are some of the best fighters and trackers in the 12 kingdoms, if we are going to track down Zira and prove Shayla and Mlezi's theory about Krux we need their help, after all if we are going to prove that he is Kion we'll need the assistance of the best trackers in the kingdoms." Said Simba. Krux's eyes widened as he growled softly. He proceeded to tell the skinks to go and warn his Great Aunt.

After he learned of the kings and queens suspicion of his true identity Krux growled and snuck down Pride Rock only to run into twin guards. "Can I help you?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow at them. "Yes, you may help us by staying here at Pride Rock." Said the one with a scar over her left forepaw. "My sister is correct, you are under decree of the King to stay at Pride Rock." Said the other one. "Creda, Kiah, I'm a highly trained Wasteland battler, I've survived zebras stronger than you two." He said looking at them both with his claws extended. He smirked as he saw them back up a little. "Now, I am going for a walk around the Pride Lands and neither of you can stop me and neither will follow me, otherwise you may not return." He said sternly as he walked right past them and in the direction of the Outlands to 'walk' the borders of these lands. Mid walk he heard roars and he went to 'fight' his aunts best warriors.

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