Chapter 16

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Rafiki was becoming more and more suspicious over Krux's true intentions cause one minute he seemed dark and twisted and the next he seemed to be nice and straight. 'Dere is definitely tomething not quite right with dat boy.' He thought to himself. Krux walked over knowing Zira was going to make her move soon. "Krux I'd like to talk with you and Shayla." Said Kiara as she stood up. "Uh, I get why you want Shayla as she's your sister, but why do you want me to come?" Asked Krux. Kiara looked at him. 'Does he really not see it, man he's dumb.' Thought Kiara. "I want you to come cause I said so." She said calmly as she looked at him. "Ugh fine." He said annoyed as he walked with her and Shayla into what was left of the lion guard lair. Most of the paintings had cracks through them but one of the in tact ones was one of Kiara, Nala, and Simba with two cubs that looked the exact same. "What's this about Kiara?" Asked Shayla. "I'm sick of knowing this little tidbit of information and you two not seeing something important, you two are twins, Krux your true name is Kion, you were stolen by Zira who's an evil lioness." Said Kiara as she was annoyed with having this information in her head.

'HOW IN THE WORLD DID SHE FIGURE THIS OUT?!?!" Screamed Krux's mind. "Why should I believe you, it could all be just some big coincidence." Said Krux. "It isn't, you both look almost the exact same minus the mane and scars, and I'm sick of being the only one who sees this." She said annoyed. "I've also noticed Kiara but I have no proof." Said Shayla as she revealed she'd also been suspecting this. "Heh, yeah well if I were this Kion how do you explain me winding up in the Wastelands?" He asked calmly trying to get them to drop this. "You see, that's the thing, I don't believe you ever lived in the Wastelands like you claim, I believe you lied in order to get refuge here, now I am a calm level headed queen so I want you to come clean and answer these simple questions, did you live in the Outlands, did Zira plan to use you, and lastly what lies did Zira put in your head about our mom and dad." Said Kiara as she stood above him due to the age gap between them.

"Ugh fine yes my name is Kion, I have lived with Zira these past few years, she has had plans to use me, and as for lies, I have no clue." He said calmly as he prepared to leave but was blocked by Shayla. "You're not leaving till you tell us the things Zira told you." She said aggressively as she blocked his path. "Hehe, cute, you think you can block my path, get out of my way before I get annoyed with the cute little tough girl routine." Said Kion as he decided to go by his true name from now on. "No, you're not going anywhere." Said Shayla. Kion groaned. "Fine, but you asked for this." He said before lunging and grabbing her, he then threw her into Kiara's grip. "I told you before, I can beat an entire hyena pack without a scratch, one lioness who doesn't have basic training can't block me, now leave me alone otherwise next time I won't use my gentle touch." He said annoyed as he left the cave. "Dark Guard, we're leaving!" He yelled confusing everyone of the Pride Lands lion pride members. "Yes finally!" Cheered Crooler as she tossed the lioness she was wrestling with against the others. Kion and his friends then took off towards the Outlands to rejoin their pride.

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