Chapter 21

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Zira walked through the dark tunnel and came to a wall that appeared to be made of black glass making it impossible to see through it. She ran her paw over the surface and felt that it was warm and vibrating. "What is this?" She said confusedly as she tried using her claw to cut a hole in the glass only for sparks to shoot off and enter her body making her jump back in fright. She saw the sparks vanish after they had entered her body and they stopped coming when she backed up enough. "What in the name of the kings of the past is this thing." She said slightly freaked. As she stood there watching the weird wall it started cracking until it shattered and a large black lion exited. He had pure black eyes and a shining black mane that appeared to spike out towards the back of his head. "Finally I'm free, now who do I have to thank for uniting the runes." He said to nobody. Zira looked at him. "I believe I know who combined your 'runes' as you put it." She said as she stepped out of the shadows. He looked at her. "Very well." He said smiling as he looked at Zira evilly.

Meanwhile Kiara and her pride were going through a desert which was almost completely unbearable. "Kiara, we need to stop." Said Shayla as she was panting heavily. "No we keep going." Said Kiara despite being exhausted herself. Kion was annoyed. "Kiara get your head out of your tail, it is blazing hot and we're all on the verge of collapse, except Graxx who is somehow immune to heat." He said aggressively. Kiara growled but sighed. "Fine, we dig a burrow." Said Kiara as they began to make a den in the sand. After a while they dug into a sand burrow and waited for the sun to pass while they waited though Graxx went out and looked for food. "You better explain how he is able to survive this heat before I kick his tail." Said a random lioness as she was laying close to where Kion and Vitani were. "Graxx has been living in the Scorch Lands which is a land filled with lava and volcanoes so he's used to heat." Said Kion as he relaxed. As the day went on everyone got more comfortable and resumed their walk once the sun had set and the moon was out.

After a few hours of walking Kion, Vitani, Kiara and the rest of the Pride had arrived at a large cliff with a small path that led up but it was only wide enough for them to go one at a time and was the perfect thing to use as a ambush spot if any predators lived in the area. "Falca go and scope out the top of the cliff, inform us if we'll be walking into a ambush." Said Kion. She nodded and flew up and started scanning the cliff side, the pathway, and a few areas around. "All clear Kion, all I see is some purple eagle that is in a tree with a egret a few miles away." Called Falca. "Alright, let's go." Said Kiara as they made their way up the cliff side path. As they got up the cliff they saw the desert led way to a clear savanna which had nowhere they could make a den out of so they knew that they needed to keep going. As they made their way through the savanna though they were confronted by a large leap of leopards led by a female Snow Leopard and a male Leopard. "What are you doing in our territory, lions?" asked the male as he looked ready to declare an attack. "Relax leopard, we just wish to pass through, then you will not see us again." Said Kion. The leopards conversed for a while but in the end they agreed and allowed them to pass through as long as they truly didn't come through their territory again.

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