Chapter 9

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Krux was returning to the Pride Lands when he spotted a odd group of animals heading there from the border of the Back Lands. He grew suspicious of them and started heading to them. "Who are you guys." He said looking at them. "We are the Wyvern Fighters, who are you." Said a female crocodile. "I am Krux a member of the Pride Lands, now explain what you are doing here in the Pride Lands." Said Krux as he looked at them all. They whispered to each other for a while. "We are here with our Queen, who is visiting now please step aside." Said a young jackal hyena. He looked at the young thing. "Isn't he a little young to be going into danger." He said looking at him. "He's probably got more skill than you." Shot a gray wolf. He looked at him and pretended to walk away before lunging and easily pinning the wolf down in a inescapable way. "Never challenge my fighting skills again." He threatened before stepping off of him and left towards Pride Rock. The female crocodile was laughing as she looked at the wolf who had just gotten his tail handed to him within 3.9 seconds. "That's a new low for you Colouns." Said the crocodile mud laugh. "Shut up Missu." Said Colouns.

Krux led them all to Pride Rock where he found Luna and Brandon. "These guys with you two." Said Krux. Luna looked at Krux. "Yes, but they were supposed to wait by the border till I came and got them." Said Luna. "Hey not our fault, Kate ran into the Pride Lands and we've been searching for her." Said a bird as it landed on Missu's snout. "You guys lost Kate!" Yelled Luna angrily. "We have been searching, but we don't know these lands." Said Leo. "My Pride can help you out, you each can pair up with one of my scout lionesses." Said Simba as Kiara walked out of the den seeing everything going on. "Can I be paired up with her." Said Leo without thinking. "What?" Asked Simba with a growl in his voice causing Nala to jump between them. "N-nothing." Said Leo as he backed up. He knew never to mess with a overprotective mother or father cause their strength surpassed their normal limits. Nala and Simba were gathering female lionesses in for everyone to have a search partner. Simba was still growling after Leo's expression when he asked for Kiara as his search partner. Nala found it cute but she knew Simba was always over protective.

The groups had been assigned and they began searching for Kate. Leo had been assigned to search with Creda and Kiah as Simba wanted them to keep an eye on him while also looking for Kate around the elephant grazing grounds. Missu and the Falcon Kai were searching with Greeshmi around the watering holes. Colouns, Digger, and Luka went with Mlezi to the backlands. Sam, Shade, and Kamario went with a female known as Diana to Hakuna Matata Falls. Dusty, Silky, Dud, and Jake went around the gorge and searched. Nikko, Shark, and Jula went with Simba to the Elephant Graveyard. Luna and Brandon went with Nala to the hunting grounds. They all searched for the entire day when a loud roar was heard from Pride Rock and when everyone returned they saw Krux holding Kate by her scruff. "Thanks Krux, where was she?" Asked Luna as she took Kate. "She had snuck into the weird secret cave inside Pride Rock." Said Krux before he turned and left. "That guy is so weird." Said Brandon. "Yeah, I can't figure out whether he's a friend, foe, or neutral." Said Kai. As the rest of the day went on the Wyvern fighters found places they could call home while they stayed in the Pride Lands. Missu was the most welcome as she'd joined a float ruled by Makuu who was impressed by her taking down two of his float members.

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