Chapter 1

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Kion and The Dark Decision

Deep in the Outlands was a hole in the ground that led to an underground set of tunnels inside of which lived a pride of very mean and very dangerous lions the worst of which was known as Krux. Krux was a average build lion with a black mane with dark purple tips, he had a huge scar running from his throat all the way to his right shoulder from a failed attempt on his lift by hyenas. Krux has a tendency of lashing out and killing anyone who got in his way whether they were friend or foe. Just the other day when he was hunting a vulture had gotten in his way and wound up as part of the meal and then he had to find out what it wanted from a different vulture. Krux was currently sitting on a rock pillar staring at the Pride Lands. He was currently thinking about his role in a upcoming mission. 'I highly doubt my queen's plan will work wether it's because of my part or the others because even if I do get in I doubt I'll be able to handle myself around these people.' He thought to himself as he hopped down heading to the border.

In the Pride Lands Kiara was enjoying a girls day out with Tiifu, Zuri, and Shayla. They had managed to sneak away without a baby sitter because Janja and his hyenas were trying to hunt the largest herd of Zebras in the Pride Lands. "Finally, I don't understand why mom is so protective." Said Shayla annoyed. Ever since she was old enough to walk around she's had to be under constant supervision. "I don't know but I'm sure she has her reasons." Said Kiara as the rule affected her as well for some reason. Neither of them had been informed of Kion's existence or Zira stealing him as their parents didn't want to upset either of them. They all decided to go to a mud pool and relax. The downside to this mud pool is that it was close to the Outlands. "Finally we get some peace and quiet time all to ourselves." Said Zuri. "Yeah, I don't get why we are affected by your moms rule, we aren't even her daughters." Said Tiifu. "I think it has something to do with the fact we're such good friends." Said Shayla as she stretched. While they relaxed none of them noticed that they weren't as alone as they originally thought they were.

At the border of the Outlands stood two lionesses and four jackals. "Alright so let me get this straight, we run out there and attack those four girls long enough for Krux to 'save' them then when you take over the Pride Lands we get to eat whatever we want?" Asked the head Jackal. "Correct Reirei, once the job is done and we have control we'll contact you." Said the larger lioness. The jackals talked it out before accepting. They then left to go begin the plan. They slowly snuck up on the four girls making sure they caught their scent. "Girls wake up." Said Kiara as she went on alert. "What's wrong sis?" Asked Shayla before she sniffed the air and got her answer. "Let's run!" Yelled Kiara as they took off as the jackals gave chase.

Krux watched and waited until Reirei managed to pin down Kiara before roaring loudly and tackled her off. "Leave the lionesses alone." He snarled blocking the jackals from Kiara and her friends. All four of them were shocked as they watched him take on all four Jackals and win. "Now run, leave these four alone." He said aggressively. All four nodded and ran with their tails between their legs. "I hate Jackals." He spat out before looking at them. "Who are you?" Asked Kiara. He straightened himself up. "The names Krux." He said smiling as he looked at them. "And I came to request sanctuary here in the Pride Lands." The four girls conversed with each other for a few minutes before deciding to take Krux to Simba and Nala in order to see if he could stay or not. Seeing this Krux smiled. 'Phase 1 complete.' He thought to himself as they all went to Pride Rock.

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