Chapter 13

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Crooler and Graxx walked side by side until they finally arrived at the Swamp Lands. It was a marsh wasteland that had a bunch of quicksand pits, mud holes, sink holes, and marsh lights that help you get lost. "I still don't get why Erazor loves living here." Said Graxx as they walked through the swamp. "I don't know, last time we talked she said she wanted somewhere she could hide and do surprise attacks." Said Crooler. While they kept searching they walked over a weird log before ducking under a large and thick vine. Soon they got to where it was too thick to walk through. "What the heck is going on." Said Crooler. "You're walking into my trap." Said a female voice with a giggle. A large snake head poked out of the vines. "You two are a long way from you're respective homes." Said Erazor smirking. "Yeah, Krux sent us to get you." Said Graxx as he and Crooler explained everything from Krux's plan to him planning to simply combine the runes so he didn't have to hold their powers. "I see, well if he wants the Swamp Rune Emerald it's in this plant, it'll only bloom for Krux so we simply need to bring it to him." Said Erazor as she plucked it up and stuck it in Crooler's mouth since she had a picked to hold things under her tongue.

Meanwhile Krux and Nirath were approaching the mountain. "I hate having to climb up this mountain." Said Nirath as she looked at the large mountain. She was about to start climbing when a Krux whistled. "Nirath, there's a path that we can take." Said Krux as he rolled a rock out of the way revealing a slope path that they could climb up. "How's that possible?" Asked Nirath. "Apparently a lot of boulders roll down this mountain so it wore down a path that we can walk up." Said Krux as he began walking up the slope. Nirath ran after him and they walked up the slope together. "This is way to high." Said Nirath as they finally got to the summit after an hour of walking. They soon found a large nest. "Great, Plundar isn't here." Said Nirath. "Don't worry, no eagle will leave their nest alone for too long." Said Krux. He was right as they saw her dive bombing them. Krux rolled his eyes and let out a growl. Hearing the type of growl Plundar stopped dive bombing. "Oh hey guys, you have two minutes to explain." Said Plundar as she looked at them. "We want you to join the crew." Said Nirath as she told her what happened. "Interesting, and judging by your appearance you'll want this." She said tossing Krux the Mountain Rune Amethyst. He thanked her and touched it, causing it to go to his right back leg.

After about three hours the six of them had gathered back up. "Aw there you guys are." Said Erazor as she saw Krux, Plundar, and Nirath approaching. "Sorry we took so long, the bird brain had to stop and catch a field mouse." Said Nirath as she looked at Plundar. "Hey, I'm a bird, don't blame me." Said Plundar. "Anyway, let's go guys, we need to get back to the Outlands volcano before these stupid runes make me go out of control, speaking of which, the swamp rune?" Said Krux. Crooler tossed him the Swamp Rune Emerald to Krux. He put it on his left back leg and afterwards they began heading to the Outlands volcano which took them a total of seven hours. "Okay, we're here, now what." Asked Graxx. "Now I cover these runes in ash, and they'll fuse and the combined Diamond will fall into the lava." Said Krux as he covered all five in a lot of volcanic ash. This caused the runes to glow a bright color and then they separated from his body and floated closer and closer until they all fused creating a large Black Diamond which then fell into the lava of the volcano. "Good, now let's go, I never want to see those things again." Said Krux as he left with his team and started back for the Pride Lands after having been gone for a week and a half.

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