Chapter 22

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While Zira led Slade out of the tunnel they came across a honey Badger who was eating all the bugs that were crawling around the somewhat destroyed Pride Lands. "Mm, I haven't had a nice meal in forever." Said Slade as he licked his lips. "That's gross, you do know what that is right." Said Zira slightly grossed out. "I'm aware, but I haven't had a meal in ... huh I don't even know how long I've been sealed away." Said Slade. "First I'm sure we can find you something much more savoring and actually delicious to eat, and second what do you remember from before you were sealed away, like any specific names you could mention?" Asked Zira. "Well, I know for sure that Askari was the one who sealed me away." Said Slade. Zira's jaw dropped. "That was ages ago." Said Zira as she was completely shocked by just how long he's been sealed away.

Meanwhile Kiara was groaning as they had been traveling for 5 days and she was getting sick and tired. "Kion you apparently loved traveling while you were with Zira, are there any lands you can think of that would suit us as a home." Said Kiara annoyed. "Hmm, I honestly do not know, I mean I guess the Transyl Lands would work but last time I visited there were some pretty weird occurrences, from the fact that the sun only was in the sky for 1 hour, to strange creatures I've never seen before." Said Kion as he began thinking of the directions to Transyl Lands. Kiara told him these lands would do for now and maybe they'd make it their permanent home. Kion nodded and led them to a large creepy cave. When Kion started to lead them into the creepy cave there were complaints from the younger Pride members about being scared. Kion told his crew to reassure them that it was safe. He continued to lead the way through the cave until he found the fork in the cave. "Oh right, Erazor do you remember which fork to take?" Asked Kion. "I am pretty sure it was the left one." Said Erazor as they began talking about the path. Kion nodded and began leading them down the left path until they came to the exit of the cave which spat them out in the middle of a field of glowing flowers.

"Wowza, this place is pretty." Said Tiifu as she went over to sniff one of the flowers. Zuri followed soon after and they both began purring and acting goofy after sniffing the pinkish gold flowers. "Oh uh I forgot to mention but most of the flowers are strange, some of the more illuminating ones will make you lose your inhibitions for a short period of time if it is consumed or sniffed." Said Kion as he knew too late for those two at the moment. "How long will that last?" Asked Kiara as she stared at her best friends acting like cubs. "It shouldn't last too long, those flowers are just saplings, the more adult ones last for days while the young ones normally only last about an hour." Said Kion. "Yeah, but even an hour of it could reveal some dark secrets." Said Graxx. "You sound like you are speaking from experience." Said Leo. "Let's just say I will be staying far away from the fields of flowers because I don't need any more of my secrets revealed." Said Graxx as he went to go find a flower free zone and if there were none he'd make one. Kion chuckled and led Kiara and the rest of the Pride to the best area for them to rest.

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