Chapter 11

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Krux was walking along the shoreline when he spotted what he was looking for. He walked up to the tide pool cave and sighed. "This would be so much simpler if I could roar but I'm not risking collapsing this cave." He said as he started to dig something up from the sand that he hated. He managed to dig up the pearl. "Man I hate when I have to do this." He said before he put the pearl to his chest and it sunk in becoming part of his body making it look like he was wearing a necklace when he wasn't. Once he put it on he began to walk into the ocean water and as soon as all four of his paws touched the water the pearl began to glow a weird blue color and it soon surrounded his whole body. His neck began to vanish as his head was slowly connecting to his body directly while also elongating, his fur began to fade away. His legs started shrinking into his body while also thinning out into a triangular shape. His tail also stretched out looking like that of a fish. Soon his whole body had turned into that of a large tiger shark (I'd say Lion Shark but there's no such thing.).

Once he'd turned into a tiger shark he began to swim into the submerged tunnel for a while when he came up on the stairs that led up into the heart of a mountain. As soon as he touched the stairs his body changed back into lion and as such he started climbing up the stairs. "Ugh, I hate that form, I am barely able to control myself." He said annoyed. 'Thankfully I only have the Sea Rune Pearl and not the other four as well otherwise I'd really be unable to control my animal urges.' He thought to himself as he got to the heart of the mountain where a large thing was sleeping in the center. He looked around and knocked down a rock and a large bridge was made while also waking the sleeping beast up when the rock crashed only a foot away from its face. It looked around before glaring at him. "Krux, I'm gonna kill you if you do that again!" Yelled the beast which turned out to be a large Black Saltwater Crocodile. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard this all before Crooler, now come on, I'm finally calling in my allies for a team to take over the Pride Lands through secrets and lies." Said Krux as he explained everything while they began to head back to the ocean.

Soon they both were back on the beach. "I can't believe you actually put the Sea Rune Pearl on, you know you can never remove it right?" Asked Crooler as she looked at him. "Oh yeah, I'm fully aware." He said annoyed as he looked down at his chest. "So where else are we going and who else we recruiting?" Asked Crooler. "I plan to go find Erazor, Plundar, Graxx, and Nirath." Said Krux as he revealed he planned to go to the mountain lands, scorch lands, swamp lands, and arctic lands. "I plan to bring in Erazor for his ability to scare off anyone and how stupidly brave he is when it comes to fighting with no fear, Plundar for his infinite Knowledge on every subject and cause he can sneak anywhere without being spotted, Graxx cause despite being a Komodo Dragon he is surprisingly as fast as a cheetah, and Nirath is plenty capable of moving any object there is." Said Krux. "And you brought me on for my sight didn't you." Said Crooler as she received a nod from Krux as they began heading for the lands overwhelmed with active volcanos and lava rivers.

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