Chapter 5

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Shayla stood there in shock. "I ... I have a brother, a twin brother who may be alive, and how did Krux know about this, or was he just guessing, no he definitely knows something." Said Shayla as she took off running to find Krux and get answers. That would be a difficult task though as Krux was walking to the border of the Pride Lands and Outlands. He told people he was gonna scout it out and make sure nobody was planning anything but he was actually going to report to his mom. He was navigating his way through the Outlands when he heard someone coming so he hid behind a large pile of rocks that blocked his scent. What he saw shocked him because instead of hyenas or jackals like he expected what he saw was a group of dark brown lions led by a lioness no older than he was. "Who are they?" He whispered to himself as he watched them heading to the Pride Lands. 'Ugh this just means I'm probably going to have to be introduced to them, I'll report later.' He thought to himself as he snuck back into the Pride Lands without being seen by that groups of lions.

The group of lions had come from the Tree of Life on important business. Even though Nala was healed she had to be checked on once every year or two because the sickness she had wasn't fully cured only time could do that. Nirmala the healer had managed to get rid of most of it but she knew if it didn't vanish soon she'd need to be taken to the Tree of Life to be treated again. Rani and Baliyo came to discuss things with Simba. And Surak had come to protect them as he was the best fighter. They soon arrived at Pride Rock and walked up to meet Simba and Nala who smiled. "Hello Rani, Baliyo, Surak, Nirmala." Said Simba smiling. "Hello your majesties." Said all four. "How're your parents doing?" Asked Nala smiling. "They're doing alright, my mom and dad stayed behind to look after the Tree of Life and Queen Janna." Explained Rani. "That's good, now I believe you are here for my checkup." Said Nala. Nirmala nodded her head and they went inside. "That's not the only reason, Simba the Tree of Life has been receiving attacks by a group of hyenas, we captured one and they confessed they're taking orders from a lioness here in the Pride Lands or maybe near it." Said Rani.

Hearing that a lioness in or near the Pride Lands has been conspiring against the Tree of Life made him think of only one person. "It must be Zira, we haven't heard anything from her in years and after what happened I believe whatever sick and twisted plan she had must have begun." Said Simba. "I see, has anything odd happened on your end?" Asked Surak. "Not really other than we took in a new Pride Member." Said Simba as he saw Krux coming up. "Here he is now." Said Simba. Krux looked at all the lions standing in front of Simba. "Uh hi." He said looking at them. "Krux meet Princess Rani, Prince Baliyo, and Surak, they are from the Tree of Life." Said Simba. "Hey, as he said, my name is Krux." He said calmly. "Hello Krux." Said Rani smiling as she examined him and her attention went to his long scar. "How'd you get that?" She asked curiously. Simba was curious about it as well after all nobody got a scar like that from simple fights. "I've had a few close encounters with death, this is the result of the closest encounter I had, a pack of Hyenas attempted to take my life but they failed miserably and instead of my life being taken it was theirs." Said Krux revealing he killed the hyenas. "I see, does it cause any sorts of pain to your body?" Asked Baliyo. "If you mean did the scratch have a negative effect other than a large scar then no, I am still at 100% when it comes to movement and eye sight." Said Krux as he stretched.

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