Chapter 17

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Luna and her Wyvern fighters had finally returned to the Pride Lands after checking on their territory. Luna had left Brandon behind to look after it with a few of the members while she and the others went back to help out in the Pride Lands, however what they came back to was not what they expected. When they saw the pride they saw that they were preparing for war. Luna ran over to Kiara who was overseeing it all with Shayla. "Kiara what is going on?" Asked Luna. "Krux was Kion, he's gone back to rejoin Zira's pride, and we believe they may attack, oh and to top it all off my mom and dad died in a stampede." Said Kiara as she was both sad and mad. Luna and the fighters she had brought were beyond shocked as they listened to everything she told them. Leo, you and the rest of the team go and help prepare everyone for war, Kai go gather any Pride Landers willing to fight." Said Luna. "Hey this is a fight for my pride Luna, Kai you better not leave." Said Kiara aggressively. Kai nodded and stayed put. "Kiara, if some of the Pride Landers knew about this I'm sure they'd join in the fight." Said Luna. "Yeah more people who I have to worry about dying in battle, this war is coming for me and my family I'm not risking the Pride Landers." She said sternly.

Kion and his guard had returned to the Outlands where they found Zira mounting her forces ready for an invasion. "Zira what's going on?" Asked Kion. "Kiiion, welcome home, we're getting ready to take over the Pride Lands, now get your squad ready." She said smirking. "I'm not sure Zira, right now may not be the best chance, while I was leaving some queen and her team came into the Pride Lands, her name was Luna." Said Kion as he told her everything. Zira eyed him suspiciously. "Are you growing soft?" She snarled. "What, no, I could care less about them, I'm just saying some proper training to face these new people wouldn't hurt, I sparred with them male and he actually got a few good blows in on me." Said Kion. "I see, maybe you just weren't paying much attention, but whatever I'll cause a distraction, Nuka go start fires in the grazing lands as well as the forests, make these new comers split off and go save the Pride landers while we deal with Kiara and her Pride." Said Zira as she looked at her worthless son. "Yes mother I'll do what you wish." Said Nuka before he ran off to do his job.

After Nuka ran off to get sticks to set on fire Zira started addressing the remaining members of her pride of her plan of attack. While she did this though Kion walked off seemingly in deep thought which went unnoticed by almost everyone except a tannish female who gave chase. "Kion, where are you going, Zira is addressing everyone on their roles." Said Vitani as she caught up to him. "I know, it's just I am no longer sure if we should kill Kiara or Shayla, sure they're the enemy but they're still my sisters, ugh spending time with them has messed with my head and I don't know what to do anymore." He said annoyed before he began to walk away. Vitani watched him walk away. "I wish I could help you, but not even love can help clear the head." She said to herself before going back to the pride.

(Note in this story Kion is walking through the Outlands and he looks at his Dark Guard going towards the Pride Lands with Zira.)

After Kion got his head cleared up a little he rejoined his friends at the border with Zira's Pride. "Now remember everyone we are not to stop until we have taken over the Pride Lands or destroyed the Pride Lands lions." Said Zira before they all began to enter the Pride Lands through the swampy area to avoid detection.

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