Chapter 14

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Krux led his group into the Pride Lands when they ran into Luna and her gang. "There you are, where've you been?" Asked Kai. "I've been on a break from this boring land, I've been going around some of the other lands where my six friends lived, now get out of my way." Said Krux calmly. "Very well, just know Simba and Nala wish to talk to you." Said Luna as she and her team went on patrol. Krux rolled his eyes and started heading towards Pride Rock as his team followed him. "So who were those people?" Asked Nirath. "Some random people Simba and Nala called in to track down their lost son." Said Krux as they walked. "But isn't their son you?" Asked Graxx. "Dude shut up!" Snapped Krux aggressively. "S-sorry." He said backing up. Krux nodded and began to head towards Pride Rock again. Halfway there a major earthquake hit shaking all 12 of the lands. It lasted 2 hours before finally ending. "Damn, that was a huge earthquake." Said Erazor as she had experienced it worse than the others. They started heading around to see if it caused any damage while Krux sent Plundar to go and see if Zira's burrow den was alright.

When Krux got to Pride Rock he saw the large tip of Pride Rock had cracked and shattered falling in front of the den entrance. This caused Krux to chuckle. "Maybe I don't have to do anything." He said smirking before seeing Kiara and Leo trying to move the rocks and boulders. "Ugh, come on, let's go help them out." He said annoyed as he went up with Erazor, Nirath, Crooler, and Graxx. Once they were all up there they started helping Kiara and Leo clear the den entrance. "What the heck could've caused that major earthquake." Said Kiara as she looked around. "Who knows, but it could've been anything, volcanic disturbance, naturally occurring tectonic shifts, it literally could be anything." Said Leo as the got it cleared out and the den entrance was now open again. "I say we get the Pride out of here so that this place so that in case this rock fully collapses the Pride won't be harmed." Said Kiara. They nodded and began to get everyone out of Pride Rock when another earthquake hit causing everyone to panic and run down to a safe spot. After it was all over they set up camp slightly away from Pride Rock.

Meanwhile Zazu was patrolling checking on the damage when he saw Simba and Nala walking by the gorge. "Your majesties." He called out and flew down. "Zazu, what's up, is someone injured?" Asked Nala. "No, not that I've spotted, I just came to say that you need to be careful walking by the gorge after the earthquakes we've had hit." Said Zazu. "Zazu, you're overreacting, we will be perfectly fine." Said Simba as he sent Zazu back on patrol. Zazu nodded and flew off. After a while he became out of sight. "He worries too much." Said Nala giggling as they kept walking. While walking they accidentally stepped on lose rocks and they fell into the gorge. "Ugh, maybe Zazu had a point, maybe we should've left the gorge." Said Nala as she held her head. "Yeah, maybe, anyway let keep going." Said Simba as they began going to the slope. While walking the ground began to shake roughly. "Nala, run." Said Simba as they began running when the wildebeest began stampeding through the gorge with them in it. They weren't fast enough to outrun them though and not strong enough to jump out of the gorge.

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