Chapter 18

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(Note this will be set up in a different way than my other chapters because this will end Saga 1: Kion and The Dark Decision.)

As Zira's Pride emerged from the swamp they smirked as they already could see fire signs appearing in the west towards Mizimu Grove and Kilio Valley. "Perfect, maybe that son on mine isn't so worthless after all." Said Zira. After that they began heading closer to Pride Rock fully aware that these Wyvern Fighters would go to save the Pride Landers because of what Kion told them about their leader and strategies. After a while of walking Pride Rock came into view and so did Kiara's pride as they all were ready for a fight. "Remember, leave Kiara and Shayla to me." Said Zira wickedly as they came into view of the lions of Pride Rock and began to charge. Seeing this Kiara's pride charged as well and as such the fight over the Pride Lands began.

Midway through the battle Zira had cornered Kiara and lunged pinning her on her back causing everyone in both prides to stop as Kiara threw Zira off and the leaders of the Outlanders and the Pridelanders circled each other. After about 4 minutes of circling Kion saw Zira prepare to lunge and his emotions kicked in causing him to tackle Zira right as she was within clawing range. This caused everyone to gasp as they thought he was Zira's most loyal fighter. "KION! What're you doing!" Snarled Zira angrily. "Sorry Zira but I can't let you harm my sisters." He said aggressively as he prepared to fight Zira. "You dare betray me, lionesses destroy the traitor." Snarled Zira.

However not a single one of her lionesses moved a muscle. "Kion explain why you're doing this." Said Vitani. "Look spending as much time as I have here affected my outlook on the world more than I thought, I've come to care about Shayla and Kiara through messing with them like I have, I love them cause they're my sisters just like how I love you Vitani." Said Kion as he accidentally let lose his feelings for her. After hearing what Kion had said Vitani, the dark guard, and Vitani's closest friends went over to his side. "Zira we don't have to destroy the Pride Lands, we can live together with them in peace." Said Kion as he tried to reason with her. "Never, Kovu attack." She snarled but when she looked at her son, she saw him and her remaining lionesses go and stand behind Kion. "Fine, you all are worthless!" She snarled before running off towards the Outlands but this time she had no plans of stopping.

After Zira was gone Kion and his new Pride turned to face Kiara. "I am sorry for what I've done under Zira's rule, and if you wish we will leave the Pride Lands." Said Kion. Kiara looked at him and his allies. "I cannot forget what you have done these past few months Kion, but I am willing to forgive you and give you and your pride a home as long as you respect me as your Queen." Said Kiara. One by one all of the lionesses, Kion, Kovu, and the Dark Guard all bowed to Kiara as a sign that they'd obey her rule. Kiara nodded her head smiling and they then began to go back to their den now that they'd received help in repairing Pride Rock den.

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