Chapter 12

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The Scorch Lands were a bit too hot for Crooler so she stayed behind in a large lake around the edge of its borders. Meanwhile Krux was making his way carefully through the Scorch Lands. "I still can't believe Graxx lives in a place like this, I mean there's no way this place has lots of food." He said as he started crossing a bridge of lava rock. He kept walking around when he heard hissing from a lower area and headed that way. When he got there he saw Graxx down there eating a Sea Lion. "Well glad to know things haven't changed since the last time we were together." He said as he walked down the pathway. He had to be sure Graxx noticed him cause his venom was deadlier than regular Komodo Dragons cause he lived with the volcanic ash and lava lakes so his body learned to adapt him to any situation. "Hey Graxx, long time no see." Called Krux. Graxx's head shot up and he hissed. "Oh it's you Krux, what're you doing here?" He asked calmly when he noticed the Pearl in his chest and laughed. "You actually put that ding dang jewel on, Erazor owes me five meals." He said laughing his tail off. Krux was annoyed which is when he spotted something glowing behind Graxx.

Krux walked past Graxx letting him finish his meal when he dug something out of the ash. When his paw came into contact with it he groaned as he realized it was too late cause it slid up his paw and into the center of his left for leg. "Ugh great the Volcanic Rune Ruby, I am sick of this." He said as he knew that his alternative forms would be harder to control now. This only made Graxx laugh harder before he shut up when Krux glared at him. "At this point I might as well collect the other four because then I'll be able to fuse them and get them off my body by turning them into the Gaiatic Black Diamond." Said Krux annoyed as he stretched. "Now down to business, what're you even doing here?" Asked Graxx. "I came to recruit you into my team of warriors." Said Krux as he told him everything that he'd told Crooler. "So, will you join?" Asked Krux. "I suppose I will join your crew just know I'll probably scare whoever sees me." He said calmly as he followed him out of the Scorch Lands and to where Crooler was waiting.

When they got there though they found Crooler and Nirath as well as a blue sapphire. "You went to the Arctic Lands by yourself to fetch Nirath didn't you." Said Krux as he saw the large Arctic Wolf who had a chunk of ice containing the Arctic Rune Sapphire. "Hand it over, I'm just gonna fuse them all." He said as he took the sapphire and it went into the middle of his right fore leg. "So who should we go get next, Erazor from the Swamp Lands or to get Plundar from the Mountain Lands?" Asked Nirath. "I haven't decided yet, cause I'm the only one who can get up to the Mountain cave she lives in where as only Crooler can traverse the Swamp without getting stuck in the mud and foliage." Said Krux annoyed. "In that case let's split up." Said Crooler. "Agreed, Crooler and I will go get Erazor while you and Nirath go to the mountains to get Plundar." Said Graxx as he flicked his tongue out. They nodded their heads and split up. Krux and Nirath went towards the mountains in the west while Crooler and Graxx went south to the Swamp.

(Just so everyone knows these stones and powers will have a crucial piece in the story at a later point. I'm sure people are probably confused.)

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