Chapter 19

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Kion and the Dark Rune Beast

It had been a year since Kion and the rest of Zira's Pride joined Kiara's Pride and in that time a lot has changed. Kion, Graxx, Erazor, Plundar, Crooler, and Nirath all gained a weird mark on their shoulders they learned were the mark of the Lion Guard, Kiara and Leo had become mates and ruled the Pride Lands together, Kovu took Leo's place in the Wyvern Fighters while also falling for Kamario, Kion and Vitani had become mates, and the most important the Pride Lans had become a dangerous place to live as earthquakes had been becoming more and more frequent causing Kiara and Leo to contemplate evacuating the Pride Lands and Outlands to get everyone somewhere safer to live. Leo and Kiara were currently talking to each other about what to do when Mlezi walked in with a liena. "What is this?" Asked Leo. "I found her stalking through the tall grass heading to where Kion and Vitani were I figured you could figure out who and what she's doing here." Said Mlezi. "Interesting, go and get Kion and Vitani just in case." Said Kiara. Mlezi nodded and left to do so.

After she left Kiara and Leo looked at her. "Now who are you?" Asked Kiara as she looked at the Liena. "My name is Junjira, my mother is Jasiri." She said calmly as she looked at them. "Jasiri, Jasiri, oh isn't she the nice hyena who we made a deal with?" Asked Leo. "Yes it is, now who is your mother?" Asked Kiara. "My father is ..." She started before being interrupted as Kion and Vitani walked in. "Kiara what did you need?" Asked Kion as they walked in. "Hey dad." Said Junjira. Hearing this shocked Kion, Vitani, Kiara, and Leo. "Uh do I know you?" Asked Kion as he looked at her. "Oh I forgot you didn't know, well Uhm I'm your daughter Jasiri is my mother." Said Junjira. Vitani glared at Kion wanting an explanation. "I swear I didn't know, our old deal with her was I had to spend time with them every now and then but I never mated to her so I don't get how this is possible." He said being completely honest. "Very well, then we are going to find Jasiri and get an explanation." Said Vitani. Kion nodded. "You're coming with us." He said looking at his supposed daughter.

After this was established Kion, Vitani, and Junjira made their way to the Outlands where Jasiri and her new pack were living they'd joined with Janja's pack because it made everything easier since they didn't have to fight anymore. When they got there Jasiri was outside laying down. "Hey mom!" Called Junjira as she ran over and nuzzled her mom. "Hey dear, where've you been?" Asked Jasiri. "Coming to find me." Said Kion. "Ugh, so you found out, yes we have a child, not that you deserve the right to be called her father." Said Jasiri. "When and how did this happen?" Asked Vitani. "During the first year of the peace treaty when he slept in the hyena den I don't know how it happened but after he left I discovered I was pregnant, but I refused to ever let him know because he didn't love me and honestly I didn't care for him either, so I raised her on my own." Said Jasiri. This discussion lasted until Kion said Jasiri could claim sole parenthood of her as he didn't feel ready to handle her even if she was mostly grown. Hearing this made Vitani a little sad but she didn't show it, after everything was said and done they left heading back home unaware they were being watched by a dark evil eye. "Soon you'll know my pain Krux." Said a voice before it vanished into the shadows.

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