Chapter 10

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Krux handed the little pest over before walking out to go hunt something. "These Pride Landers are annoying, and these allies of them are just as annoying." He said as he started looking for a meal. He soon found a zebra that was injured and smiled. "Good, time to get myself a meal." He said quietly as he snuck up on the animal before lunging and killing it. He smiled and began to eat when something started slowly approaching him. Krux was eating the zebra while unaware of the silver and red eyes that were watching him. 'Finally I found you, I finally get to meet you.' Thought the female who was approaching him from the tall grass. Before she could make herself known though Shupavu ran up to him. "Krux, Zira wants to talk to you about something." She said calmly. "Ugh, fine." He said as he finished his meal. "What is it this time, Kiburi and his float trying to steal the watering hole, or Reirei and her family trying to sneak in." He said using situations that had happened before. "I do not know, I only know that they need you now." Said Shupavu as she scurried back towards the Outlands. Krux groaned and started heading that way as well leaving the female who wanted to meet him alone in the tall grass. 'Damn, I was so close.' She thought to herself before standing up and heading to her secret den.

Krux started heading to the Outlands and arrived at the burrow entrance. He began to walk down the tunnel saying hi to the soldiers as he walked by. He soon arrived at the lair Zira used. "What do you want, this could ruin everything." He said annoyed. "I called you here because it's time you renewed out peace treaty with the hyena pack so we can keep our watering hole deal in tact." She said calmly. "Ugh, I despise this deal but fine." He said before he stood up and left to go find Jasiri. He found her laying on a rock next to the watering hole. "Wake up Jasiri, we have business to discuss." Said Krux. Jasiri let out a groan as she opened her eyes and looked at Krux. "I believe you said all I need to hear last time we met you jerk." She said angrily. "Hey watch it, I'm not here about that, I simply came because Zira wants me to renew the peace treaty." He said calmly. "Fine, it's renewed now get lost so I don't have to see your face." She snapped before running into the cave not too far from the watering hole.

After renewing the treaty and informing Zira Krux began heading home to the Pride Lands but he saw it was getting dark so he decided to use this as his chance to explore one of the other lands. He called down Mzingo and told him to head to the Pride Lands and deliver a message that he's gone to the Sealands to visit an old friend. Mzingo nodded and flew towards the Pride Lands while Krux walked to the Backlands in order to cut through them. After a few hours Krux arrived at the Sealands and let out a roar but this time something happened and he caused a Tidalwave stranding a shark, two seals, a dolphin, and a bunch of crabs and jellyfish on the shore. "What the heck, how did I do that." He said shocked as he looked at them all. He didn't notice the black lion head that temporarily appeared on his shoulder. Krux began to toss the creatures back into the ocean before he began to search for his friend the old fashioned way.

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