Chapter 25

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Kion sighed as he contemplated what to do, on one paw he could just hope his past didn't come looking for him but with his enemies he made here would it be better to go and make peace with his old friends and would they even want anything to do with him after all these years. Vitani saw him like this and snarled as she walked over and bit his tail causing him to shoot up onto his paws and stared at her. "OWW, what the heck Vitani?" He said as he rubbed his tail. "Enough sulking Kion, go out there and track down your old friends and you're going to make amends cause if you don't then I will make your life a living nightmare." She growled. Kion sighed knowing she was being honest and so he got up and left heading to the bat tree to spread the word only to his friends.

As Kion arrived at fangmans tree he sighed. "Alright Kuruka I know you are there come on down." Said Kion and soon a large bat the size of a full grown lion landed in front of him. "Been a long time Fang Crusher." She said smirking. "One nobody calls me that anymore, and two I want you and your flock to gather up all my old friends and have them meet me by Drider Rock." He said calmly. Kuruka laughed. "It's your funeral my furry friend but if you wish they'll be told." She said smirking as she left along with hundreds of smaller normal sized bats. Kion sighed. "I will either be dead within the next few hours or have an army at my side once again, Heh maybe coming back here won't be such a bad idea after all, especially if they're still calling me the Fang Crusher." He said smiling as he went to the rock formation that was in the shape of a giant spider.

While waiting it was easy to tell when one of his old friends were arriving mostly due to his eyes slowly regaining their ability to see extremely well in the darkness as if he were nocturnal. The first two to arrive were Blaine and Corag and the fact Kion didn't see either Mist or Crimson with Blaine made him nervous cause when it came to those two, if you were on their list and you didn't see them coming it meant bad things for you. "So, you actually called a meeting of the Fangs, I am surprised." Said Blaine as he looked up at Kion. "One I did not call it a meeting of the fangs, and two where are Crimson and Mist?" Asked Kion earning a laugh from Blaine. "Well Mist I don't know, she's been keeping to herself lately but Crimson, I'd say she's probably sharpening her fangs and claws right about now." He said smirking. "Oh quit teasing our once great leader Blaine, after all technically you still owe him for saving your tail from that pack of hyenas." Said a feminine voice that drew all of their attention to the base of the rock as a large Komodo dragon appeared. "Hello Shinda, been a long time, I see you are still as kind as ever." Said Kion. "Oh don't mistake my natural charming personality for forgiveness Kion, I am very much just as ticked off as any one else in our circle of friends." She said in a fair warning tone. Kion nodded and waited as the rest of the crew arrived, all except Mist, Crimson, and the gatekeepers which he found to be odd as they were almost always at a meeting when he called for one, even non official ones like this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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