Chapter 15

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The day went on as usual because the earthquakes had also stopped and as such everyone was calming down but still refused to go back into the Pride Rock den. It was currently getting late when Mlezi noticed that Nala and Simba were still missing and they were always back by this time at night. She wasn't the only one either, Shayla, Kiara, and Krux had noticed as well. "Krux, can you and your crew go find Nala and Simba?" Asked Mlezi as she walked up to him. "If I must." He said calling over his crew with a roar. After they all gathered he told them who to search for and they nodded and split up. "There, my friends are going to find the king and queen." Said Krux as he left to go help in the search. Krux and his guard had their own reasons for going after them. If they indeed found them, they'd do what Zira ordered them to do. While searching around the grazing lands Krux heard a loud screech from Plundar and so he sent a signal roar and they all converged on the gorge. "What is it Plundar, did you find them?" Asked Erazor. "Actually, I did." She said and flew down the gorge. They followed her to see what she had found.

When they got down into the gorge they were shocked at what they saw. "Interesting, so they're dead, Plundar go inform the Pride, Erazor go inform Zira." Said Krux. Both the Anaconda and Eagle left to go inform their respective parties. Erazor slithered into the Outlands and to the den burrow. "Hey Zira, get your tail out here!" Called Erazor. Zira growled angrily. "Who has the nerve to address me in such a ... oh it's you Erazor, been a long time, what's up?" Asked Zira. "I came to inform you of some delicious news that's going on in the Pride Lands top priority according to Krux. "Really, and what's that?" Asked Zira smirking wickedly. "King Simba, and Queen Nala are dead, died in a stampede in the gorge." Said Erazor. Hearing this made Zira laugh wickedly and happily. "This is perfect, Vitani rally the pride, we're invading tonight." Called Zira. Her voice echoed through the burrow system alerting every single one of the lionesses in her Pride. Soon all the lionesses in her Pride were gathering at the border of the Outlands and Pride Lands.

Meanwhile Plundar had just informed the Pride of Nala and Simba's deaths and they all fell sad and depressed. "Kiara, this means you must take the mantle as Queen." Said Mlezi. "No, no I'm not ready." Said Kiara. "I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice Kiara, you must take the throne." Said Rafiki. "Rafiki, what caused their deaths." Asked Mlezi. "I don't know, but from what Plundar has described it sounds like they fell into the gorge and before they could get out a stampede must've occurred." Said Rafiki as he tried to make sense of what Plundar described. They all gasped. "No, this can't be possible, father and son perish in the same way." Said Mlezi as she was sad cause she's lost her best friend. Kiara was depressed but nodded as she knew there was no choice in the matter. Afterwards Rafiki turned and looked at Krux and his guard seeing they weren't sad at all he thought this was strange. "Krux, where are the king and queen?" Asked Rafiki. "They're still in the gorge, while my team is skilled in fighting we aren't movers so I f you want them properly moved you must do it cause you're their family, that's the code of the Waste Lands." Said Graxx as he walked up and spat on a rock.

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