Chapter 20

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Kion and Vitani were about halfway to Pride Rock when another earthquake hit. They braced themselves as this began. These earthquakes had been getting stronger and stronger over the past few months so much so that the last one turned Hakuna Matata Falls into Hakuna Matata River because it had made a gorge open in the forest swallowing the trees and making a new path for the water to flow. Soon it was over and they started surveying any damage it may have caused. "It looks like we may have gotten away clean on this one." Said Kion. Unfortunately he spoke too soon as Plundar who now went by the name Falca flew down to him. "Kion Pride Rock has completely crumbled, Kiara is calling for the immediate evacuation of the Pride Lands and Outlands." She said looking at him. "Great." He said annoyed as this meant he'd be on evacuation detail for the entire Pride Lands. As they got to the crater of Pride Rock they saw everyone of the Pride Lands already there listening to Kiara as she told them they were evacuating the Pride Lands. Some of the more skittish herbivores like the Gazelles and Zebras took off running in stampede, the hippos, giraffes, and elephants calmly left to deal with their relocation, the crocodiles left to find a new float, and that left the lions. "Alright everyone our search for a new home will begin now." Said Kiara as they began to leave heading the opposite way of the Outlands in search of somewhere that may not have been touched by earthquakes.

While everyone of the Pride Landers were leaving the Pride Lands one individual chuckled evilly. "It's too bad they fear the powers of the earth, I guess I'll just have to use this to my advantage and lay claim to the Pride Lands before they return." Said the voice belonging to Zira. As she began to head to the Pride Lands through the Outlands the volcano erupted shooting the Black Rune Diamond through the air before it shot into the earth down where Pride Rock used to be. Zira watched as a huge explosion took place. "What in the world." She said before taking off at a quick pace. When she got to where the explosion happened she found a huge crater as well as a strange tunnel. "Interesting, I wonder how long this has been below Pride Rock." She said smirking as she began to go down the tunnel to see what secrets lurked in the shadows.

Meanwhile Luna was dealing with problems in her own lands as many members of her team had resigned in order to go live their lives. Missu had left to join Makuu's float as his wife, Jula and Dusty had joined Jasiri's clan for their own reasons, Jula joined to be with Reirei and Dusty joined to be with Janja, and most shocking was Kate going with them for Junjira leaving Luna and Brandon weakened due to them being crucial members. "Luna I think we should go and accept Rani's offer, one of us will rule the Tree of Life with Rani or Baliyo and the other will rule here." Said Brandon. Luna sighed. "You're right, I just wish this didn't happen to our lands." She said looking out as her lands had become partially flooded. "I know, but with the Tree of Life's help we may be able to figure out the cause and stop them." Said Brandon.

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