Prologue 2

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It has been a few years since Zira betrayed Nala and the Pride Landers by stealing Kion and taking off with him. Once they had returned to the Pride Lands, Simba had sent many groups of scouts and huntresses to find Zira and the Pride members who went with her but Zira knew their strategies all too well and as such she knew how to mask their scent and get away without leaving a trail to follow. So seeing no point in following Kion was considered dead and Zira and all her Pride members were deemed Outsiders.

Nala hadn't spoken much as she was distraught about the betrayal and when she did it had been in a sad tone. Now though she seemed back to normal with the exception she had enforced a bunch of strict rules that Shayla and Kiara had to follow in fear that she would lose them just like Kion. She had made rules stating they had to remain in sight of Pride Rock at all times and if they wished to do anything that was a good distance from Pride Rock they had to be accompanied by a member of the royal guards. She knew it was strict but she wasn't going to waver on these rules. Today was when she'd start teaching Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri how to hunt so she took them out to a field with Mlezi and Creda.

Ziro who was Zira's brother had been affected the most cause after her betrayal everyone in the Pride Lands assumed he was working with Zira as a spy meaning he has to prove himself every day to stay on their good side like when he saved Kiara from being trampled by a Buffalo stampede or when he saved another cub from drowning.

Meanwhile deep in the outlands in a underground cavern was Zira's secret lair. Zira had spent every day plotting how she would use Kion to her advantage and step one was telling him that his mom and dad abandoned him which worked in making him angry towards the Pride Lands she then began planting false stories into his head throughout the years. She also had been dealing with his training along with her daughter and son. She always said together Kion, Vitani, and Kovu would rule the whole world, Kion as King of the Pride Lands, Vitani ruling the Tree of Life, and Kovu ruling the lands between and herself overseeing them all.

(The next chapter will be the true beginning to my story.)

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