Fight Me

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Luna walked into the training room and started her normal warm up routine. After what happened with Bucky in the living room, she had a pretty peaceful week. Bucky didn't bother her and she hadn't been assigned to any new missions, so she was in a great mood. She even saw Tony in the kitchen this morning and she smiled at the son of a bitch before she could help herself. And that was before she had her cup of coffee. Maybe if she started teasing Bucky more, she could have more weeks like this one.

The training room was empty as she started throwing punches at the bag in the corner. Once she was loosened up, she made her way to the weights. She was in the middle of her last set of deadlifts when she noticed Sam and Bucky through the mirror. They were in the corner whispering and looking at her. She sat her weights down and grabbed her water bottle while she watched them out of her peripheral.

Sam had a smirk on his face and Bucky was wearing his usual scowl. She huffed in annoyance and cranked the volume on her phone as she resumed her workout. She wasn't even halfway through her routine when she saw Sam walking up to her. She sighed, but as long as it wasn't Bucky, she could deal with being interrupted.

"Hey pretty lady!" Sam called out.

"Samuel. To what do I owe this mild annoyance on this fine morning?"

"Oh, ouch." Sam chuckled. "Just wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'm fan-fucking-tastic. Now may I continue my workout?" Luna asked with a sweet smile on her face.

"Told you she'd be a sarcastic little brat." Bucky said, coming to stand next to Sam.

"She was being playful, Buck."

"Yeah, Buck. Playful. You know what that word means, right?" Luna asked with a wicked grin on her face. "I mean, after all, I was playful with you the other morning on the couch."

"That wasn't playful, that was you threatening to kill me." He gritted through clenched teeth.

"Which I find very fun and therefore, I was being playful."

Luna licked her lips and bit down on the inside of her cheek to keep the smile off her face, but she failed miserably. Sam was trying to contain his laughter, covering it up with a fit of coughing. Bucky scowled at both of them before walking off grumbling to himself.

"Forget about him, Luna. I think deep down he really likes you."

"Oh, no. I can assure you that he doesn't like me. We are mortal enemies, Sam. There's not a single atom in his body that could ever like me."


"Nope. You can't convince me otherwise." Luna said.

"He's not that bad once you get to know him. He's still grumpy, but it's tolerable."

"Listen, I appreciate you guys trying to help us get along, but you can stop. It's not going to happen."

Luna cut Sam off by shoving her headphones back into her ears and turning her music up so loud that Sam cringed at the volume. He walked back over to Bucky who was watching the end of their conversation. He told Sam it wouldn't work. No one could talk her into working on their problems, not even mister 'let's talk it out' could change her mind.

"Told you it wouldn't work, but you insisted." Bucky muttered when Sam was closer to him.

"It was worth a shot." Sam shrugged.

"Everyone is going to have to realize that this is just how our relationship works. If it's causing problems, then Tony needs to stop pairing us up. It's really that simple."

Fine Line (Bucky Barnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now