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"Bucky! Come on, I don't want to be late!" Sam called from outside Bucky's room, his fist pounding away.

"I don't see why we have to go see a stupid horror movie." Bucky grumbled as he opened his door. "We could just stay here and watch The Maltese Falcon or something."

"You gotta step outta the forties, man." Sam chuckled.

"I liked the forties better." Bucky said lowly as he made sure his door was locked.

He turned towards Sam at the same time that Luna's door opened across the hall. She stepped out, face intently staring at her phone, not noticing them until she lifted her head. Bucky hadn't seen her since he had accidentally punched her a few days ago during their fight. Her right eye was black and still a bit swollen. There was a nasty cut on her cheek and her lip. Bucky felt a twinge of guilt run through him as he looked over her face.

"Just when I thought I wouldn't have to see you today, here you are." Luna scowled at him.

"We're just heading out. Let's go, Buck." Sam said.

"I'll, um, meet you downstairs in a minute. I need to speak with Luna." Bucky looked over at Sam and motioned for him to go ahead of him.

Sam took a step towards Bucky and dropped his voice.

"Whatever you plan on doing, it's not a good idea." Sam cautioned him.

"I just want to apologize, Sam."

Sam's head jerked back and his eyes narrowed.

"Did I hear that correctly?" He asked.

"Yes, now go. I'll be down in a minute."

Sam glanced back at Luna and then over at Bucky before retreating down the hallway slowly. Bucky waited for him to disappear around the corner before he turned back to Luna...who was no longer standing in front of her door. Looking down the hallway in the opposite direction Sam had gone, he saw her walking towards the stairwell. Bucky jogged down the hall, catching up with her easily.

"Luna, wait!" Bucky called out to her.

"For what? Wanna make the left eye match the right?" She seethed.

"I want to apologize." He said as he gently grabbed her elbow to turn her around.

"Yeah right!" She laughed. "You don't apologize, especially not to me. What do you really want?"

"I'm serious. I want to apologize. I didn't know you were still kneeling or I never would have thrown that punch. It may not seem like it after how I acted that day, but my intention wasn't to hurt you."

"Then what was your intention?" Luna crossed her arms under her breasts and shifted her weight to one foot.

"I just wanted to get you down and pin you, deliver a blow to your ego. I never would have deliberately punched you in the face. I swear on my ma's grave." Bucky rushed out.

Luna glared at him. He reached his arm behind his head and rubbed his neck, looking guilty as hell. He was actually sorry and it was throwing her off. She had never had a man who had hit her sincerely apologize and she didn't exactly know how to act. She sighed heavily and dropped her arms to her sides.

"You're forgiven, Barnes." She mumbled.

"That was easier than I thought." Bucky's face scrunched with suspicion. "Are you planning some kind of revenge or something?"

"No. At least, not right now." She smirked then sighed again. "I can tell you're sorry and you mean what you said, so I forgive you."

Bucky nodded at her, looking into her eyes for a moment to see if she had that mischievous gleam that she often had when looking at him. There was something there, but he couldn't tell what. Luna breathed deeply as she held his gaze. His eyes flickered to her lips for a moment and then back to her face. He had to stop thinking about her lips on his.

Fine Line (Bucky Barnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now