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Luna gave Fury the week he had asked for. She was more irritated than usual and snapped at anyone who looked at her. Bucky had noticed, but despite his best efforts, he couldn't get her to talk to him. She was distant and spent most of her time alone, refusing to let him help her like he had been doing since they arrived back at the compound. He was worried, especially when she began refusing to go back to Tony's lab. She had asked for that assignment, but now she all of a sudden refused to do anything but stay in her room.

After nothing but silence from Fury, Luna was going crazy. To make matters worse, she realized someone had accessed her file in the SHIELD system. She wasn't surprised when she followed the trail only to find out it was Liam. It wasn't an 'if' situation anymore. It was just a matter of time until Liam showed up. The only thing about the situation that surprised Luna was that the IP address Liam used to access her file led back to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Jacob Wagner.

Once she realized that, she looked closer at Wagner's staff and realized that Liam had been working as a personal assistant to Wagner for the last year under the name Luke Porter. Liam wasn't supposed to be able to hold any government position, regardless of what it was. He couldn't even be a janitor in a federal building, so how the hell did he get hired as the personal assistant to the Speaker of the House?

Luna was fed up with waiting around for Fury to call her. She angrily dialed his number, but it went to voicemail. She continued to call, blowing up his phone until he decided to answer. Fifteen turned out to be her magic number. Fury finally answered, yelling down the line at her.

"What the hell do you want, Woods!"

"You asked for a week and I've given you that. He's already accessed my file. I can't wait much longer, Fury." Luna said forcefully.

"He's working..."

"For the Speaker of the House under the name Luke Porter. I know that. Have you found anything else?" Luna said quickly.

"It seems Mr. Speaker hired him directly. Sought him out actually. Wagner set him up with a new identity so he wouldn't get flagged when his employment was being processed. I have a theory, but I'm not sure you're going to like it."

"Tell me. I want to know."

"I think Wagner wants the presidency. He needed help. He needed someone desperate that would do anything to get what they wanted. You said it yourself, Liam blamed you for ruining his career. He wanted to go back to the CIA, but because of the disciplinary action against him he couldn't. Wagner could get him reinstated if he were president. Wipe his records clean and let him have the redo that he's always wanted."

"And Wagner thought bombing the UN meeting was the best way because both the president and vice president would be in attendance." Luna said, finally connecting the pieces.

"Yep. They're power hungry and both are the type of men that would do anything to get what they want. Wagner had some serious allegations made about him a few years ago, but they mysteriously did the women making the allegations."

"What type of allegations?" Luna asked softly.

She could assume, but she wanted to hear it from Fury.

"There were several women that came forward saying he had hired them from an escort business. Each time, he held them captive over the weekend, forced them into sexual acts, and then threated their lives and the lives of their families before releasing them."

Luna sucked in a ragged breath and her steps faltered as she paced her room. Wagner was just as sick and demented as Liam was. They were the perfect fit. No wonder Wagner decided to rope Liam into his plan. He saw a kindred spirit in Liam. They wanted power and recognition.

Fine Line (Bucky Barnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now