⭐"Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us."⭐
__I push her on the swing for a good half hour. She shrieks with laughter like any child would.
Her laughter is contagious. I start feeling a lot better and all of a sudden the day is beginning to look more positive!
After a while, she gets bored and trots over to the slide. I stay close by to make sure nothing happens to her.
With a bit of luck, she'll play like this until her nap. But, I soon realize she has other plans.
She comes back over to me with rosy cheeks and a radiant face. At least she had fun!
Lorie: "What do we do now?"
I'd like to make the most of her good mood and find an idea that might bring us closer together.
My brain is spinning at full speed. Quick, before she thinks of some gruesome game to play!
Nora: "We could sit at the garden table and draw or play a board game..."
Lorie: "Oh, no. I've got a better idea!"
Oh, Lordy!
With Lorie, "a better idea" is more often than not some kind of nightmare...
Lorie: "Let's play kidnapping."
There it is! I'm worried now.
Nora: "Come on, Lorie... That's not a nice game."
Lorie: "Of course it is! I played it all the time with Lucy!"
Poor Lucy! She has my sympathies!
Nora: "But I'm not sure that..."
Lorie: "You'll see!"
She grabs me and drags me to the slide.
Lorie: "There you are! You hide there. Sit down..."
To avoid another argument, I grudgingly sit down. She goes into her little cabin and comes out with a rope and an old handkerchief.
Nora: "Look, Lorie, let's just go and sit at the table and draw. It'll be great."
She puts on her most angelic face that she usually saves for her brothers. I must say that she's pretty good at it.
Lorie: "I promise, it won't last long! Just till I ask for the ransom!"
Nora: "And then, we'll do some drawing?"
Lorie: "Okay!"
She wraps the long rope around my ankles and moves it up behind my legs.
Lorie: "Put your hands behind your back."
Nora: "We could just pretend..."
Lorie scrunchs up her face and stamps her foot.
Lorie: "No, it won't be the same if we pretend! It has to be realistic, otherwise it's no fun."
I sigh. What have I gotten myself into? I cross my hands behind my back.
Lorie wraps the rope around my wrists and then tightens it. It's a little too much to my liking.
Nora: "You don't have to squeeze so hard! It's only a game, right?"

One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...