⭐️"Don't take criticism from people you would never go to for advice."⭐️
___When Drogo picks me up a few hours later, I'm ready.
My outfit is pretty simple. Let's just say I put effort in elsewhere.
I know that vampires have much sharper senses than we do, so I had a long soak in a bath scented with rose essence.
Then I coated my body with a moisturizer. My skin is now as soft as a baby's.
Finally, I put on a little make-up and brushed my hair until it shone.
I didn't want to look too dressed up, so I went for subtle details instead.
Maybe he won't notice...
As he enters my room and walks towards me, he stops dead in his tracks.
Maybe he did notice after all...
He stares at me with a greedy look in his eyes and pulls me into his arms.
I repress a smile.
Nora: "We really have to stop meeting like this!"
Drogo: "It's your fault! You're driving me crazy!"
Nora: "I haven't done anything special."
Drogo: "Of course you have! I don't know what exactly, but there's something different about you and it's very sexy."
Thank God for my cunning, feminine ways!
I kiss him gently, tickling his mouth, tempting him... playing with him.
He lets me do it although I can tell he's a little bewildered by my attitude. He is not used to seeing this side of me.
I feel uninhibited. I want to enjoy myself this evening.
Drogo: "If you keep this up, we'll never leave this room!"
Nora: "No way! I really want to go out!"
Drogo: "That's the plan!"
Nora: "Tell me where we're going!"
Drogo: "We're going to have fun, little witch!"
Is there going to be something of the supernatural about tonight?
We duck out of my bedroom window. It's becoming a bit of a habit these days!
And, as I suspected, we don't venture into the forest. In fact, we go in the opposite direction.
I know that Drogo wants to keep me away from danger.
He hoists me over the roof of the manor and heads for the city center.
Holding me against him, he dashes from rooftop to rooftop, making sure that he always stays in the shadows. We can't be seen at any cost.
Finally, he stops on top of a large building overlooking downtown. The view is magnificent.
From here, we can see everything that's going on down on Main Street. It's incredible.
Drogo walks away for a few seconds and comes back with a bag. He hands it to me.
Nora: "What's that?
He shrugs as if he wanted to make light of it.
Drogo: "Just one or two things to eat. We left before dinner and I thought you'd be hungry."
One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...