⭐️"You're too good for someone who isn't sure about you."⭐️
___When we get back to my room, we remain silent for a long time. What just happened was as awful as it gets. A wave of anguish comes over me as I stare at Drogo. I can't find the words.
I've just discovered, in the worst way possible, a dreadful side to this gift of mine that I hadn't thought of. I caused an accident and a man may have lost his life because of me...
My mind immediately drifts to my parents. They died in a car accident...
Suddenly my legs give out and I crumple to the ground with my head in my hands. I have a bitter taste on my tongue and what feels like a lead weight in my tummy.
I'm shaking like a leaf. Oh, God, I feel so bad...
Drogo rushes toward me and puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me up against him.
I want to cry so bad. I wish I could just go back and make it all not happen. But... I know it's impossible. I know you can't beat death...
Drogo: "Don't worry! Everything will work out fine."
Nora: "That doesn't change anything! I'm a goddamn monster!"
Drogo: "It's not your fault, Nora. Stop this..."
Nora: "Last time I checked, it was me who used my powers! I was the one who did this!"
Drogo: "Hey, calm down! I was with there too, you know? Plus... it was my idea..."
Nora: "I could have said no!"
He turns my face toward him, forcing me to look him in the eye.
Drogo: "You can't be so hard on yourself! I won't allow it! You're not alone in this! I shouldn't have dared you to do that in the middle of town... If it's anyone's fault here, it's mine."
Nora: "Blaming each other won't change the fact that someone's been seriously injured."
Drogo: "Don't worry about it. Nicolae will fix it."
Nora: "Why do you keep saying that? What makes you so sure?"
He loses eye contact with me and tries to shift away, but I don't let him.
Drogo: "I've slipped up a few times in the past..."
Nora: "You didn't do anything wrong."
Drogo: "I knew the risks!"
I don't push it. Drogo's already on edge. There's no need to rub salt in the wounds.
He kisses me gently and then walks toward the door.
Nora: "Where are you going?"
Drogo: "I have to tell Peter. Nicolae may need help."
Nora: "I'm coming with you!"
I go to stand but Drogo pushes me back.
Drogo: "No, stay here. Lorie needs you!"
I'm on my own now, but I don't feel much better. In fact, I feel awful. The consequences of my actions are going to come back to bite me in the ass. What would my parents say? I'm no better than the man who drove into them that night...
I approach the window. It's wide open. I look out onto the landscape and get lost in my thoughts.
The woods stretch as far as the eye can see. It looks so serene out there. Usually, this view would calm me down. But, unfortunately, not tonight.

One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...