Chapter 62

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“When your intentions are pure you don’t lose anyone. People lose you.”⭐️

I squeeze his hand so that he understands that I'm on his side. He needs to know that whatever he reveals, I'll still stay with him.

He looks me in the eye.

Drogo: "Father came, of course! I knew he would. He's far too afraid of scandal."

Nora: "What about Mia? What happened to her?"

Drogo: "I don't know. My dad took her away and no one ever saw her again. In fact, we haven't seen him since either."

Nora: "My God... Do you think he...?"

Drogo: "Knowing my father, I don't think so. He probably took her to one of his many properties and completed her transformation."

Nora: "What makes you say that?"

Drogo: "That's the way it's always worked. I imagine he's sleeping with her by now..."

Nora: "But she's so young!"

Drogo laughs at my naïveté.

Drogo: "When it comes to vampires, age no longer matters. If it did... You'd be MUCH too young for me!"

He pushes me back down on the bed and lies beside me.

I let him kiss me tenderly, but something keeps me from fully letting go and giving in to the moment.

I want to be there for him. I want to make him feel that he can count on me. But this story leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth.

We stay like this for a long time. We just look at each other in pure silence.

Then a question suddenly pops into my head and I have to ask him. It's that pesky curiosity again...

Nora: "You don't get along with your father, do you?"

Drogo: "That's the understatement of the year. He's not my actual dad. You know that, right?"

Even if I don't understand properly...

Nora: "There's no need to be so nasty..."

Drogo: "I can't stand being associated with that prick!"

Nora: "I thought you were family..."

Drogo: "Of course we are! Nicolae, Peter and Lorie are my family. But we all hate Viktor. And we're better off without him."

Nora: "But why did he turn you if he didn't want to stick around?"

Drogo: "Because he likes transforming humans! He likes the power it gives him. He enjoys the satisfaction of ripping someone away from their loved ones, their home and their life. He likes to pretend he has his own clan."

Nora: "But that's horrible!"

Drogo: "Make no mistake about it. Just because he's a public figure doesn't mean he's not dangerous. In fact, it's the exact opposite! He thinks he's above the law because he's such an old vampire."

Nora: "And I suppose he doesn't have an attack of conscience when he attacks humans... unlike you."

Drogo: "He doesn't even know we live like this. If he did, he'd call us weak... He'd probably force us to return to our traditional vampire ways."

Nora: "He'd want you to kill humans."

Drogo: "That's right."

All this information is too much for me.

Nora: "Let's hope he stays away from here as long as possible!"

Drogo: "Right now he's probably with the other original vampires. I don't know any more."

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