⭐️"Wake up grateful every day. Even through the hard stuff. Recognizing what you do have instead of what you don't is the mindset that will propel you into success. Gratitude wins over everything, always."⭐️
___When I go to the abandoned house after school, I see Drogo lying on the old sofa. When he sees me, his eyes light up.
I'm still a little surprised by some of his reactions. But I'm not complaining... because I'm just so happy to be with him.
Drogo: "You're late."
Nora: "So what?"
He holds out his hand for me to join him and I don't need much persuading. He sits up and invites me to straddle him.
I love this. I feel like I'm in control... like I'm on top of the situation.
This is a complete illusion. Drogo can take over whenever he wants!
He holds me close to him, letting his hands slide down my back. At the same time, his mouth runs kisses the skin along the front of my neck.
I arch my back and throw my head backwards. I let out a few sighs. I come back and... just the touch of his lips electrifies me.
We slowly move in rhythm. I look deep into his eyes. I feel like I'm losing myself to his touch.
I play with him. I savor this moment. In the hollow of my belly, I feel that now familiar tingling of desire...
A satisfied smile spreads across his lips. He wants to play and I submit to him without hesitation.
He becomes more adventurous and slips his hands under my shirt.
I put my forehead against his shoulder, while he continues his caresses. His tenderness is disarming.
This makes me want to go further with him.
I grab his shirt and take it off hurriedly. I'm so eager to feel his skin. I trace the contour of his muscles with undisguised lust.
I slowly bend toward him and put my mouth on his shoulder, before venturing out onto his chest. I get carried away in a whirlwind of intoxicating desire.
I feel capable of all kinds of madness right now. I push myself up against him and tongue his mouth with wild sensuality.
The sensation of his muscular torso against my chest transports me into a sweet state of bliss. I tremble all over.
Drogo lays me gently down next to him and puts himself between my legs. Our bodies fit so well together.
A strange noise snaps us out of our trance. Drogo groans and sits up to answer his phone.
Drogo: "Yes? What? Okay, we're coming..."
He hangs up with a sigh.
Drogo: "That was Peter. He just wanted to remind me that dinner will be served in fifteen minutes."
Nora: "Shit! Fifteen minutes! It can't be that time already!"
Drogo: "Time flies when you're with me, right?"
I get up and straighten my clothes. I attempt to ignore the butterflies in my belly and try to catch my breath.
Nora: "I'm sick of it! An hour isn't enough! We don't have time for anything!"
Drogo raises his eyebrow.
Drogo: "At least you know exactly what you want!"
Maybe I should think more before I say that sort of stuff!
One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...