⭐️“It takes a special kind of person to be genuinely happy for someone else’s success. Be that kind of person.”⭐️
___When I arrive on campus, I'm surprised to find Sarah waiting for me.
Since things aren't great between us right now, I thought I'd have to struggle talking with her.
When she sees me she rushes towards me. Maybe she's scared I'll run away from her?
Sarah: "Nora!"
Nora: "Hi, Sarah!"
Sarah: "Listen... I'm really sorry about our fight. I didn't mean for it to go that far..."
Nora: "It's kind of my fault too. I shouldn't be forcing my choices on you."
Sarah: "So, we're not mad at each other anymore?"
Nora: "No, but we really need to learn to manage our differences of opinion."
Sarah: "You're right. I didn't mean to hurt you with the whole Mia Cooper thing."
Nora: "Drogo told me about that."
Sarah: "He did? Did you tell him what we talked about?"
Should I tell her? What if Sarah is only acting friendly so she can get information out of me? I think she can see how suspicious I am.
Sarah: "I promise I won't judge!"
Nora: "And you won't run off and tell your grandmother everything the first chance you get?"
Sarah: "You have my word!"
I invite her to walk with me. We need to be away from the other students. I don't want anyone listening in.
Nora: "Mia is still alive. Well, sort of."
Sarah: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Nora: "Viktor Bartholy took care of her."
Sarah: "Oh, my God! He turned her?"
Nora: "Probably. According to Drogo, she's probably with him right now."
Sarah: "In Mystery Spell?"
Nora: "No. They're at another of his properties."
Sarah: "But why her? Rumor has it that she disappeared on campus. Their father is never here! Why would he be on campus?"
I'm afraid I'll lose her if I tell her exactly what went down. She'll never forgive Drogo for what he did.
Even I had a hard time dealing.
Nora: "It was Drogo who attacked her. But it's not that simple... Mia was in trouble and... she wanted to be turned. She begged him."
Sarah: "Nice loophole!"
Nora: "You have no idea how much he blames himself. And he blames himself even more that Mia is with his father now."
Sarah: "They're lovers, aren't they?"
Nora: "Between life and death..."
Sarah: "So Drogo didn't kill her..."
Nora: "No, he never meant to hurt her."
Sarah: "Right. I knew a little bit about Mia Cooper by reputation. She was brilliant but... a bit of a recluse. I think she had some major family problems... I'm not surprised by what you're saying..."
I'm so relieved that I almost can't believe it. I was so afraid that Sarah would start questioning Drogo's side of things.
Nora: "I know you can't bring yourself to like them, and I accept that. But I assure you they are good people. They don't mean any harm."
One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...