Chapter 64

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“It takes a special kind of person to be genuinely happy for someone else’s success. Be that kind of person.”⭐️

When I arrive on campus, I'm surprised to find Sarah waiting for me.

Since things aren't great between us right now, I thought I'd have to struggle talking with her.

When she sees me she rushes towards me. Maybe she's scared I'll run away from her?

Sarah: "Nora!"

Nora: "Hi, Sarah!"

Sarah: "Listen... I'm really sorry about our fight. I didn't mean for it to go that far..."

Nora: "It's kind of my fault too. I shouldn't be forcing my choices on you."

Sarah: "So, we're not mad at each other anymore?"

Nora: "No, but we really need to learn to manage our differences of opinion."

Sarah: "You're right. I didn't mean to hurt you with the whole Mia Cooper thing."

Nora: "Drogo told me about that."

Sarah: "He did? Did you tell him what we talked about?"

Should I tell her? What if Sarah is only acting friendly so she can get information out of me? I think she can see how suspicious I am.

Sarah: "I promise I won't judge!"

Nora: "And you won't run off and tell your grandmother everything the first chance you get?"

Sarah: "You have my word!"

I invite her to walk with me. We need to be away from the other students. I don't want anyone listening in.

Nora: "Mia is still alive. Well, sort of."

Sarah: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Nora: "Viktor Bartholy took care of her."

Sarah: "Oh, my God! He turned her?"

Nora: "Probably. According to Drogo, she's probably with him right now."

Sarah: "In Mystery Spell?"

Nora: "No. They're at another of his properties."

Sarah: "But why her? Rumor has it that she disappeared on campus. Their father is never here! Why would he be on campus?"

I'm afraid I'll lose her if I tell her exactly what went down. She'll never forgive Drogo for what he did.

Even I had a hard time dealing.

Nora: "It was Drogo who attacked her. But it's not that simple... Mia was in trouble and... she wanted to be turned. She begged him."

Sarah: "Nice loophole!"

Nora: "You have no idea how much he blames himself. And he blames himself even more that Mia is with his father now."

Sarah: "They're lovers, aren't they?"

Nora: "Between life and death..."

Sarah: "So Drogo didn't kill her..."

Nora: "No, he never meant to hurt her."

Sarah: "Right. I knew a little bit about Mia Cooper by reputation. She was brilliant but... a bit of a recluse. I think she had some major family problems... I'm not surprised by what you're saying..."

I'm so relieved that I almost can't believe it. I was so afraid that Sarah would start questioning Drogo's side of things.

Nora: "I know you can't bring yourself to like them, and I accept that. But I assure you they are good people. They don't mean any harm."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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