Chapter 60

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⭐️“You’ll end up really disappointed if you expect people to do the same for you as you do for them. Life gets easier when you accept that not everyone has the same heart as you.”⭐️

It's been a long day. And it's all down to the tensions between me and Sarah. She was my only friend here. I'm not so sure she is anymore.

I'm really glad to be back at the manor. I'm really worried about that fight we had!

If we can't make things up, the next few weeks won't be much fun.

I lie back my bed for a long time staring at the ceiling. It's as if I expect all the answers to my problems to be written up there.

There's a knock on my door. Nicolae waltzes in uninvited.

Nicolae: "Lorie is waiting for you. Can you see to her?"

I nod my head and stand up. I can't help the moody look on my face. Nicolae notices it.

Nicolae: "Is everything okay? You don't look..."

He suddenly freezes. It's as if he's focusing on me intently... but in a supernatural kind of way. I tense up.

Nora: "Nicolae? Are you reading my mind?"

Nicolae: "I'm only trying to help you."

Nora: "Then please think of another way. I thought I'd made that clear."

I can see Nicolae is being stubborn. I don't like this at all. What right does he have to interfere in my life?

Instinctively, I use my gifts against him. I have to focus to keep him out.

To my surprise, without really knowing how, I manage to block him.

Nicolae doesn't appreciate the maneuver, given his disgruntled look. I couldn't care less.

What's in my head is my business.

He keeps trying.

I feel the air getting heavy around me and suddenly my books and CDs fly off the shelves and start hitting Nicolae!


Nicolae: "That's enough, Nora!"

Nora: "Stop using your powers and I'll stop using mine!"

Nicolae: "I just wish I knew what you were so upset about."

Nora: "The same old stuff!"

Nicolae: "Still?"

Nora: "I had a big fight with Sarah."

Nicolae: "I guess it was about us..."

I nod and let out a long sigh.

Nora: "It's always because of you. No matter how hard I try to stick up for you guys, Sarah refuses to change her mind."

Nicolae: "Sometimes old grudges and prejudices take a long time to heal."

Nora: "You can say that again!"

After a brief moment of silence, Nicolae comes and sits down next to me.

Nicolae: "I know we're not getting along very well at the moment, but that doesn't change anything between us. I want you to know that I'll always be here if you need me."

Nora: "I know you will. And I still feel guilty about what happened the other night with the car. I never meant to hurt anyone..."

Nicolae: "Yeah, but it was a close call."

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