Chapter 27

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"Some people will love you no matter what you do and some people will never love you no matter what you do. Go where the love is."⭐

I find it really hard to wake up and get my act together. The use of my gifts without properly preparing myself has almost depleted all my energy.

I feel slightly nauseous. I shuffle to the bathroom on autopilot and take a hot shower.

I feel like every time I move, it takes so much effort.

As soon as I'm dressed, I go to the dining room and find that, for the first time since my arrival, I'm alone for breakfast. I laugh to myself.

The Bartholys don't need to keep up pretenses anymore!

I can imagine how boring it must have been to sit and watch me eat all the time.

I don't really want to sit on my own, so I grab an apple and make my way out into the hall. Without looking back, I leave the house.

The journey to campus goes well. Not a hitch.

As soon as I step off the bus, Sarah almost jumps on top of me.

Sarah: "How did the studying go yesterday?"

Nora: "Fine! Peter's been a big help!"

I feel my cheeks blush. Oh, jeez... I'm such a bad liar...

Sarah: "Great! That's good! At least, there's something positive about the Bartholys right?"

Nora: "Sarah..."

Sarah: "Okay! Fine!"

Some guy almost hits us head-on. He's not looking where he's going. He has fistfuls of flyers. He stuffs one into our hands and scurries off without saying a word.

I look at Sarah, a little bewildered, but she's already reading it.

Sarah: "We've got to go!"

Nora: "Uh...where?"

She shows me the flyer.

Sarah: "They're having a party this weekend here on campus!"

I look closer.

Nora: "It's a frat party."

Sarah: "Yeah, Loan's. But who cares? There's always a ton of people at these things. We won't even see him!"

Nora: "I don't know about this. Usually these kinds of parties get out of hand, don't they?"

Sarah: "You have my word! If it sucks, we'll get out of there!"

She's in too good a mood to argue with. I nod and shrug my shoulders.

Nora: "Fine! You win, I'll go with you!"

I can already see the little cogs in her brain spinning at breakneck speed. She's thinking about every detail: where we're going to meet, what time, what she's going to wear...

I must admit, she has amazing organizational skills! And she loves it!

Later on that day, I find Peter in the cafeteria. He's in the middle of reading something. I don't bother to wait for him to ask - I just sit down opposite him.

He smiles at my boldness.

Peter: "I see your manners have gone right out the window?"

Nora: "I'm tired of walking around on eggshells all the time. If I want to sit at your table, I will, okay?"

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