⭐️“It’s easy to love the nice things about ourselves, but true self-love is embracing the difficult parts that live in all of us.”⭐️
__After arriving late for my first class, things get worse.
I get a warning because of my tardiness and then it's English Lit with that god-awful professor...
And here I am now changing for gym class. It's not my favorite part of college, but it's something that has to be done.
It's a good thing Sarah's with me. It'll make the time go quicker.
Standing in the middle of a bunch of girl cheerleaders, stretching and giggling, doesn't really make me feel all that great.
And that sucker Samantha's out there with her groupies, trying to be the stars of the show... all because they know how to contort themselves in almost inhuman ways.
Judging by the looks that are thrown in my direction, I guess she's enjoying herself making all sorts of bitchy remarks about me.
Suddenly she laughs super loudly. She wants everyone to hear. Especially me.
Samantha: "Can you believe it? She's a real skank! You should have seen her throw herself at him!"
Several girls look over to me and giggle.
Samantha is obviously referring to the night of the party.
She can talk! How did I act any worse than she did?
Why does she need to treat me like this? She saw that I wasn't interested in Loan! I think my fiery kiss with Drogo was obvious enough.
Sarah: "Don't pay any attention to what she's saying. That girl's a total bitch! Ignore her!"
Nora: "Easy for you to say. It's not you she's after!"
Sarah: "I've had my moments with her. So have three-quarters of the girls on this campus. Samantha can't stand competition. It's pathological for her!"
Why am I not reassured to know that this bitch has psychotic tendencies?
Nora: "I really wish she'd find herself a new whipping girl!"
Sarah: "Hang in there. She never stays on the same target for very long."
Nora: "Awesome! In the meantime, the more I see her, the more I hate her..."
More giggles from Samantha's fan club attract our attention.
Samantha: "I promise you... She really is banging the youngest Bartholy boy! I wonder where they went after that... She's not the type who stops at a kiss, if you ask me... Good thing too! Drogo likes them easy."
I'm holding back as much as I can, but I can't let spread rumors around like that! I walk towards her with clenched fists.
Nora: "Samantha, that's totally BS and you know it. Drogo isn't who you think he is."
Samantha: "What did I tell you? Crazy."
I'm about to throw myself at her, but Sarah holds me back.
Sarah: "Forget it, Nora! Don't get yourself in trouble because of her! She's not worth it!"
Nora: "I'd feel so much better though!"
Samantha: "Look at her girlfriend coming to the rescue! It's so cute!"
Nora: "He's not my boyfriend, so take it out on someone else. Don't spread that stuff around!"
She makes herself look all superior. I can't stand her.
One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...