⭐️"The biggest flex is loving yourself the way you wish they did. Be your own upgrade."⭐️
___This evening, I barely have time to get back to my room after dinner when Drogo jumps me.
Drogo: "You ready?"
Nora: "Ready for what?"
Drogo: "For this..."
I open the door to my room, but he steps in front of me and slams it shut.
Nora: "What are you..."
He pulls me to a window, opens it and reaches out his hand.
Drogo: "If you'd be so kind as to take the trouble..."
I take his hand.
In what feels like a tenth of a second, we find ourselves in the back yard behind the manor. It's dark.
He hoists me on his back and uses his impressive speed to reach the forest.
After a quarter of an hour, he drops me down on a tree trunk, leaning over a flowing stream.
I can see he's devouring me with his eyes and it stirs me to the very depths of my soul.
Drogo: "I think I need to make things up to you."
Nora: "Oh really? You think so?"
He pulls me up against him and runs his fingers through my hair. He pulls on a few strands while holding me against his chest.
Drogo: "You've been sulking since this morning..."
Nora: "It's because I had a bad night..."
Drogo: "Ah yes, that's right... The famous wolf dream."
Nora: "Exactly!"
Drogo: "Do you realize that you are a very bad liar?"
Nora: "That's not true! I'm very good at..."
I stop myself abruptly, realizing that I just fell into his trap like a total moron. He bursts out laughing.
Drogo: "You were dreaming about me! Admit it!"
I don't like the fact he got the better of me.
Nora: "I wasn't!"
Drogo: "Really?"
Nora: "Really! You wish I was though, don't you?"
Drogo: "I'd love it."
His lips meet mine with in a long, deep kiss. The sound of the river lulls us as we sink into each other.
I put my hands around his neck and lose myself in him, following his rhythm.
Drogo: "You're not that angry."
I slap him on his side.
Nora: "I still am. A little..."
Drogo looks at me for a moment as I think back to the conversation I had with Peter.
Nora: "Would you help me control my powers?"
Drogo: "I could... What would I get in return?"
Nora: "My eternal gratitude?"
Drogo: "I guess I'll have to make do with that."
He points down to a few stones lying on the floor.
Drogo: "Let's start here. Try to make these stones levitate up to us."
After several unsuccessful attempts, I finally manage to lift the pebbles. I give him a smile of victory and hand them to him proudly.
He grabs them and then takes aim. He's about to throw them...
One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...