⭐️"The most convincing sign that someone is truly living their best life is their lack of desire to tell the world that they're living their best life. Your best life won't seek validation."⭐️
__All of a sudden Drogo moves back from me. His eyes are glimmering. He stands up smiling and offers me his hand.
Drogo: "What would you say to a little action? Come on! Hop on my back!"
He turns around and I slide my hands around his neck.
I don't have time to think. Everything happens so fast. Drogo hoists me up so my legs are over his hips... and he runs! Everything around us starts to dance...
He dashes through the trees at a breathtaking speed. It's as if he's performing a perfectly orchestrated choreography.
He avoids every obstacle with impressive dexterity. I cling to him with all my might.
I feel like I'm caught in a dizzying whirlwind!
With each passing second, I see the sky getting a little closer. I reach out my hand, ready to touch the stars when, suddenly... Drogo is in freefall.
I try to scream, but it gets stuck in my throat. Drogo tightens his grip on me. This is exhilarating! I feel something in me awaken.
The wind whips my face and rushes through my hair. I feel free and so alive!
I've never known anything close to what I'm feeling now. It's as if I'm flying.
In the distance, I can see Nicolae and Peter slaloming between the trees.
As they swoop down on their prey, Drogo branches off to the right, moving away from the heart of the forest and back toward the manor.
Nora: "But... what are you doing?"
Drogo: "You're not prepared to see that just yet, pretty little thing."
That nickname that I loathed so much just a few days ago now sounds so affectionate when he says it.
It's now a part of us and almost reinforces our natural roles in this relationship: I'm the prey and he is the predator.
Surrender has never tasted so sweet...
Nora: "I want to stay with you."
Drogo: "That's exactly what I had in mind!"
I savor the sensation of being pressed up against him.
It's magical...
Suddenly we hear Nicolae shouting somewhere in the distance... It sounds like he's out of patience.
I sigh. I understand that our time together has come to an end.
Drogo: "We have to go back."
Nora: "I know."
If Nicolae finds us up here, things could get ugly. But... I just want to keep this bubble of magic alive a little longer.
I just about manage to tear myself away from Drogo.
Nora: "I'm ready."
Drogo: "Nora..."
I look up, surprised to hear him say my name. I'm so used to his little nickname for me that I'm amazed by his sudden seriousness.
He caresses my cheek with his fingertips, tracing the oval of my face.
Drogo: "Don't be like that."
Nora: "Like what?"
One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...