⭐️"You're allowed to change your mind about what you want in life."⭐️
__I wait a few minutes for him to come back, but I quickly understand he's now focused on his hunt. So I'm on my own. I'm alone in the woods... with wolves...
I look around nervously jumping at the slightest noise. I feel like the forest is closing in on me! This is so strange...
The darkness seems to intensify somehow. I raise my eyes towards the sky and see that thick clouds are now covering the moon.
I listen out for footsteps or the echo of a voice, but I hear nothing. The boys are even more silent than the animals that haunt these woods.
I shiver and tighten my arms over my chest. It's a good job I put on my sweater.
In broad daylight I wouldn't be this scared, but now the slightest noise makes me feel like I'm in imminent danger.
I try to reassure myself as best I can. The boys will be back soon and they'll make fun of me if they see me this jumpy.
Nora: "Relax, Nora... It's just the dark! There's nothing to be afraid of."
No sooner have I finished my sentence than I hear a growl on my left. I turn towards it quickly. I feel ready to face this threat!
I almost fall and barely manage to stay on my feet. I can't see what it was... I can't see a thing!
I notice what looks like long black legs coming out of the shadows. When the animal finally comes into view, I suddenly stop breathing. I recognize it.
It's my wolf!
He's so much more intimidating up close like this!
For a long time, we stand in front of each other, without making the slightest gesture.
In spite of my fear, I get the feeling he doesn't mean me any harm. He stopped growling the second I realized he was there.
Still, I'm still on my guard. He is a wolf, after all!
I look at him more closely. He's quite big and his eyes shine with an almost... human glow.
He doesn't take his eyes off me. Is he ready to pounce? I don't know.
His ears drop and he tenses up. He's definitely wary. I try one more step forward but this time he bears his fangs.
Okay! Message received loud and clear!
Nora: "Who on earth are you?"
He seems to be staring at me as if he has a message for me. Something's pushing me to reach out to him...
The air fills with a strange tension. I understand that all the power is his. If he decides to pounce... I'm done for.
Of course, I could use my magic... but with all these conflicting emotions, it could go either way.
I crouch down, letting him know that I'm no danger to him. He freezes, defensively... and keeps staring at me.
As the wolf approaches, I stiffen. He stays out of reach, but I feel him sniffing around me as if he wants to soak up my scent.
I gently bring my hand toward him, but he immediately moves back, grunting in the process.
Why am I pushing him? Clearly, hugging is not his thing!
One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...