⭐️"Destroy the idea that you have to be constantly working or grinding in order to be successful. Embrace the concept that rest, recovery, and reflection are essential parts of the progress towards a successful and happy life."⭐️
__As I stand in front of the door to Peter's, I hesitate for a moment. I can hear melancholy music from within. Peter must be playing his piano.
Every time I hear him play, I am overwhelmed by the emotion of the pieces he plays.
It's as if the musical notes are speaking directly to my heart.
I knock softly. I don't really want to intrude. The music stops and I hear footsteps coming toward the door.
He opens up and smiles when he sees me.
Peter: "Feeling low?"
Nora: "Is it that obvious?"
Peter: "I have a sixth sense for these things."
Nora: "Then you must know I want to talk..."
He moves to one side and lets me in. I slump down on the bed.
Peter sits down on his piano stool.
Peter: "So, who's been giving you a hard time?"
Nora: "Your brothers and sister! If you have a problem with me, now's the best time to tell me. One more won't make much difference."
Peter: "They're just having a bad day. They'll get over it."
Nora: "You don't have to deal with them."
He gently runs his fingers over the piano, like a caress. His emerald eyes then turn to me.
Peter: "What happened?"
I don't know how much I can trust Peter.
Nora: "Drogo and I had a quarrel again... and Nicolae lost patience. Plus... Lorie was impossible today..."
Peter looks at me blankly. I wonder what's going on in his head. I love the fact that he listens rather than judges. He's always just there for me.
Nora: "Drogo and I are complete opposites. That's probably why we fight like cat and dog."
Peter: "Like cat and dog? Really?"
He gives me a sideways glance.
Peter: "I thought I sensed a certain chemistry between you... I have a sixth sense for that too."
Great! I can feel my cheeks turning hotter by the second.
Nora: "More like explosive chemistry... The type you see in a lab?"
Peter: "Maybe."
It's hard to prove him wrong.
I frown a little and he responds with an understanding smile.
Peter: "Relax, Nora!"
Nora: "Actually, I don't know what to say to you. I don't know how to interpret my feelings for Drogo. They're all over the place..."
Peter: "That's often the case with feelings. If all this was easy, the greatest artists wouldn't use emotions for inspiration!"
Nora: "Mm-hmm."
I pull a face. Peter looks at me kindly. This is awful. I feel like I can't hide my feelings from him and Nicolae. Can he read people's minds too?
Nora: "What is your gift?"
He laughs, which surprises me. He's not normally the laughing type.
Peter: "I'm not confiding in you. I thought you'd come to talk about what's going on with you?"

One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...