⭐️“How your life feels is more important than how it looks.”⭐️
__I dash through the maze of corridors, looking for Sarah, hoping she went to the classes I just missed.
I don't care about English Lit, but I regret skipping Professor Jones' class.
I finally spot Sarah at the end of a corridor and wave to her. Her face lights up as soon as she sees me.
Sarah: "Nora! Where have you been?"
Nora: "Nowhere. I got held up."
Sarah: "Oh? Nothing serious, I hope?"
I feel slightly guilty when I see how concerned she is. I should have warned her...
But when I'm with Drogo, I forget about everything and everyone else. I can't help it.
Nora: "I was with Drogo."
She clams up immediately.
Sarah: "You're cutting class with that jerk now?"
Nora: "This has nothing to do with him."
Sarah: "Sure. But... I used to see you in class... before you got involved with him."
Nora: "You say that like it happens all the time! It was just once!"
Sarah: "Yeah! We'll see..."
We start walking down the corridor in silence... but Sarah's quickly back to her old self again.
That's the way she is. She's never mad for any longer than five minutes. I wish I could be like that!
Sarah: "Anyway, Professor Jones' class really was something! It was sensational!"
Nora: "Oh, yeah?"
I feel disappointed. But then again... as exciting as the professor is, I wouldn't have traded the time I spent with Drogo for anything in the world.
Nora: "Could I copy your notes?"
Sarah: "Sure, but don't make a habit of it! Or you'll fall behind..."
Just then, I see Professor Jones coming out of his room. This is what we call very bad timing.
Damn it!
If I turn around now, I'll be busted. And if I keep walking, I'll bump straight into him. What a pain in the ass!
Sebastian: "Nora..."
Here we go...
Nora: "Professor Jones."
How on earth am I going to explain my absence this morning?
Nora: "I'm sorry about this morning. I overslept and..."
Sebastian: "No need for crappy excuses."
I'm so caught out. He pulls me to one side for a one-on-one.
Sebastian: "I have other things to do with my time than to be constantly on people's backs, Nora. But you're one of my most promising students. You started off the year just great... and I wouldn't want to see that change."
Nora: "That was the first and last time. I promise it will never happen again."
He looks pretty doubtful. It's crazy! Some people would kill for a lecture with this guy... and I'd rather play hooky! I'm pathetic.
Sebastian: "I hope so. I really hope so for your sake..."
He hands me a folder containing various documents. I look at it, but I don't understand...
One Last Hope
ParanormalNora Hale has decided to move to Mystery Spell to follow the exciting and esoteric course of its unusual university. Engaged as an au pair for the Bartholy family, she is in charge of looking after little Lorie. Her hosts, Three rich and quite eccen...