Chapter Sixty One

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Eddie was there the next morning when I woke up "Morning sleepy" I stared at him "Sorry I didn't come back yesterday.. work was a bit crazy" I shrugged as I sat up
"It's fine. I didn't expect you to"
"But.. look, I got you flowers" I stared at the vase over on the basin
"Flowers... Huh"
"That's what people do right?" Eddie asked looking at my confused expression
"I think so... Sorry. Thanks Eddie that's really thoughtful" I grimaced at the pain in my side "I'm going to kill Jason when I see him" I groaned "Can you pass me that glass of water and those pain killers?" I asked pointing to the table. Eddie grabbed them, handing them to me
"So what's the deal? You free to leave or?" I knocked back the pills
"Yeah. I'm all clear doctor said I could leave today, I was just waiting for them to fill my prescription or something" he nodded as he picked up the flyer from the night stand beside me all about drug addiction "Ah yeah, they took some of my blood to test and found something illegal in my system... Weird huh?" I joked, he widened his eyes at me I laughed at his reaction "Don't worry, they couldn't have cared less" I explained "Anyway, give me twenty minutes for these painkillers to kick in and then we can get out of here" I told him
"Sure, sure" we sat around for a while chatting before I could get up and not groan out in pain. I started packing the few things I had here still chatting with Eddie when he went quiet mid sentence. I looked up confused when I turned to the door where Eddie's focus was and saw Billy "What the fuck are you doing here?" He ignored my question and stepped over to Eddie
"Thanks for keeping an eye on her for me.. I've got it from here" Eddie looked over at me and I nodded for him to go which he did without a fuss "I came here as soon as I heard" I stared at Billy. Part of me wanted to hit him and the other part of me wanted to feel his arms wrapped around me "Why are you here.. who called you?" I asked as he stepped closer to me
"Stacey.. she called me yesterday afternoon said she was worried about you.. that Jason beat you up and something else... About you taking drugs" I swallowed and blinked away from him
"I don't need you to care about me Billy" I spoke
"Well I'm sorry Kat but I do care and I know things have been pretty difficult recently between us, but we just need to work through it"
"Work through what? The fact that you slept with my best friend?" I asked him picking up my bag and grimacing as I lifted it onto my shoulder "Here, let me" he took the bag from me "Is someone picking you up?" Billy asked
"No. I.. Eddie was going to give me a ride" he looked at me
"What are you hanging out with that freak for anyway?" His facial expression changed as soon as he said it like it had dawned on him "Oh right. Of course, he's the guy plying you with drugs" he dropped the bag and left the room, I followed him as quickly as I could "Hey. Munson" I watched as Billy stalked over to him "I think you and me need to have a little talk" Eddie looked up at him "Look man.. I don't want a fight. I was just trying to help her" Billy was making fists and I didn't like where this was going. I got over to them and stood in-between them "Billy. If it wasn't for Eddie I wouldn't have gotten away from Jason ok..." I placed my hand on his chest "Please Billy. Don't make a scene" I turned to look at Eddie "You can give us a ride right? Back to my Mom's?" He nodded "Of course"
"Ok, can you just give me and Billy a second, I'll be right out" he nodded and turned away heading for the exit "I can't just let this go Kat" he told me
"Why? It's my choice what I do. God I can't believe Stacey called you... Was it before or after I told her what you did?" He shrugged at me
"She called me because she knows how much you mean to me" he grabbed me by the waist, pulling me into him and I wrapped my arms around his middle before I realized what I was doing "You can't do this Billy. You can't just show up here and pretend like nothing happened" he reached out and stroked my cheek "I know and that's why we need to talk. Properly" I shrugged away from him "It's Thanksgiving... I get that you want to talk but can't it wait until I'm back in California?" I asked him, he stepped closer to me again
"I'm not going back to California without you Kat" I rolled my eyes
"You don't own me Hargrove" he closed his eyes frustrated
"No. But you are my Girlfriend" I laughed
"No.. I'm not. Not anymore. You're delusional" I turned away from him and went into the hospital bay I'd been staying in and bent down to grab my bag groaning at the pain in my chest "Let me help you" Billy picked up the bag
"Thanks.." I mumbled standing up and walking out of the room again. I signed out at the reception desk and they offered me crutches which I took, gladly. Out front Eddie was waiting in the van "We can get a taxi Kat" Billy spoke as I opened the passenger side door
"You can if you want to" I spoke as Eddie got out of the van to help me into it "Hey. Man. I can help her" Billy announced. Eddie shrugged and headed back round to the drivers side whilst Billy helped me into the van, I went to close the door but Billy stopped me "Oh you've changed your mind?" I asked him as I scooted across, my thigh touching Eddie's who I felt tense against me. Billy got in, placing my bag in the foot well "You want dropping at your mom's?" Eddie asked "Please" I turned to look at Billy "You know I do need to speak to you about something. About Max and Susan" Billy turned his Blue eyes towards me "Your Dad left Susan"
"Good. They are both better off without him" I shook my head
"No they aren't.. Well they are but. Susan had to move her and Max into the trailer park" Billy didn't look like he cared "They don't know where your Dad is. He's not in Hawkins anymore.. Whilst you're here I really think you need to go and see them. See if they need anything" I know Max told me not to. But even though Billy was the reason her Mom and Neil broke up.. she's still better off without him. He sighed "You really don't want me here do you?"
"Not really Billy, no" I told him honestly. I looked to Eddie who had been driving and not saying anything "What are your Thanksgiving plans?" He shrugged
"We don't usually do much. Me and my Uncle just get drunk and watch movies" I nodded
"You'll spend it with us then yeah?" I asked him "My Mom's cooking, she's invited Penny and Stacey anyway" Eddie smiled, looking at me
"Why not" I smiled and turned to look back at Billy who was sulking
"Speaking of, why don't we head to the trailer park now and see what your Sister and step Mom are doing?" Billy shook his head
"Will you stop calling her my Sister? And Susan is not my step Mom" he snapped "More so now if what you're saying is true" I rolled my eyes
"Fine! If you don't want to then I will... They don't deserve the shit you've put them through" I told him "Me? Jesus Christ Kat are you serious? You know it wasn't me. It was Neil" I sighed
"Ok yeah, maybe it was but you didn't help things" he went to speak again but I looked to Eddie "Could we do that? Go get Max and Susan?" Eddie nodded
"Sure..." Eddie turned the van around and we headed for the trailer park.

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