Chapter Forty One

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The next evening I was looking for a prom dress with Stacey and Jenn. Jenn had found hers almost immediately, it was Black and strapless with Black Jewels around the bodice at the top and netting around the skirt it was her 100 percent. I didn't know what I was looking for and neither did Stacey. All she knew was that it had to be Purple. I shifted through the dresses on the discount rail "Kat, this is prom. You can't wear an out of season dress" Jenn told me sternly as Stacey approached holding a Red maxi dress "This one is perfect for you" she told me outstretching the dress towards me. I felt the fabric between my fingers "Try it on!" Jenn demanded. I took the hanger from Stacey and walked over to the changing room, pulling the curtain across as I slipped out of my clothes. I placed the dress on and zipped up the side zipper before looking at my reflection in the mirror. It was stunning and it fit perfectly. "Hey. Do you need some help?" Jenn asked from the other side of the curtain
"N-No" I grabbed the tag at the back and looked at the price in the mirror $200 dollars. I pulled the curtain back "Holy fucking shit Kat!" Jenn announced hands on her hips as she studied the dress. Stacey looked up from a rack she was searching through and came over "You have to buy that Kat" she said "It looks incredible"
"Have you seen the price of this thing?" I questioned them both as I turned to go back into the changing room "Are you kidding me Kat? Didn't your Dad give you like five hundred bucks the other day?"
"He did.. But it's not for spending on prom dresses" I told them "It's for food and necessities" Stacey rolled her eyes at me as she grabbed the price tag "It's $200 dollars.. That leaves you $300 for food. You'd never spend that much on food anyway" I looked at my reflection
"You're right. This is senior prom after all"


I sat on the porch steps of mine and Mom's house. Steve and I had moved everything back into the house yesterday after school. Things weren't as awkward as I thought they would be with Steve after I turned him down as being his Prom date on Friday night. We actually never mentioned it and got on with the task in hand. I'd skipped school today, for possibly the last time until we graduated. Just so I could be here to meet Mom who was being released today. A taxi pulled up at the bottom of the driveway and I stood up. Mom climbed out of the back of the car with her suitcase, she was wearing a floral print dress and she looked radiant. We met halfway on the front lawn and I wrapped my arms around her tightly "Oh Kat!" she squeezed me tighter "It's so good to be out" I pulled out of the hug
"You look great Mom" I took her hand "I have a surprise for you" I told her taking her suitcase in my other hand and leading her up the porch steps and into the house "Surprise" she stepped into the Kitchen "Oh my goodness" she placed a hand to her mouth as she gasped "Are we at the right house?" she walked through into the living room. The room she'd spent so many hours passed out on the couch with an empty bottle of Vodka by her side "Did you do this?" she asked
"Me and Dad yeah... Steve helped out too" she turned to me
"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I smiled at her as a tear ran down her cheek
"I wanted to make sure that you weren't reminded of anything" she hugged me again "Anyway listen. I got some food in and I thought we could just stay in tonight and eat and then watch a film. What do you think?" she couldn't get the smile off of her face
"I think that sounds like a great idea" I nodded happy to finally have my Mom back.


I made Tacos for dinner and there was a pint of ice cream in the fridge for after "So? Are you excited for graduation?" Mom asked me
"I'm not sure.. It's kind of weird that I'm actually nearly finished with high school"
"And what about UCLA? Are you excited to start your course there?" I looked across the table at her, looking for anything in her expression to say that she wasn't happy about me moving in with Dad in California "I'm really looking forward to starting UCLA" she placed her knife and fork down on the plate "You know I spoke to your Dad yesterday" I raised an eyebrow
"You spoke to Dad?" she nodded
"It's silly to hold grudges and anyway part of my therapy is to forgive. I forgive your Dad" I swallowed and nodded at her "He's going to come stay here for a few days"
"He is? When?" I questioned her
"Thursday evening... So he'll be here for your Prom and then he's going to stay until after graduation" I couldn't believe what I was hearing
"And you're ok with this?"
"I'm fine with it Katrina. I just want you to be happy now" I reached across the table and took Mom's hands "I love you" I told her and she nodded "I have ice cream for desert.. It's Mint Choc Chip. That's still your favourite right?" I questioned her
"It is" I stood up
"Well I'll go get us a bowl and we can sit on the couch and watch a film.. It's your choice of film. All the videos are under the TV Stand" I grabbed our empty plates and placed them onto the kitchen worktop as she headed into the living room.  


Did I say one more chapter?? I meant two :P

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