Chapter Twenty Five

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The weekend went by quickly. Dad and Joe went home last night after dinner. I probably wouldn't see him again until I moved out to California if I decided to. I was sat out front at School with Jennifer and Stacey "Damn I'm so sick of this cold weather"Jennifer announced as she handed me my lighter back so I could light my own cigarette "It'll be Spring soon" Stacey informed her "Oh my god.. You should see Kat's Step Brother.. He's so hot" she announced suddenly. I rolled my eyes as I took a long drag of my cigarette "Please Stacey, don't talk about him like that"
"Talk about who?" Billy asked as he approached from behind
"Hey you" he smiled at me as he wrapped his arms over my shoulders from behind me. I held his arms as I looked back at him "Joe.." I trailed off, answering his earlier question "Stacey has a crush on him" Billy shook his head in disappointment 
"You can do better Stace"
"What are you doing hanging around here anyway Hargrove?" Jennifer asked him
"Came to see my Girl"
"You know the head's going to be out here in a minute to throw your ass in detention so I suggest you leave" I smiled up at Billy as him and Jen stared at each other
"She's right" he looked down at me
"I just came by to tell you that my Dad and Penny are meeting at Penny's tonight" I parted my lips and turned to face him "Really?"
"Really" I rolled my eyes "So, when my Dad arrives, sneak out, come to mine"
"Ok?" he bit his lip
"I'd better go, see you later" I watched him leave and turned back to my friends who were still talking about Joe "I need to meet this step brother of yours" Jennifer announced
"I think Stacey's already claimed him Jen, plus you have Jason" she smiled as the bell rang ending break and we all headed inside to our lessons.

After school me and Stacey headed upstairs and I told her that Billy's Dad Neil was coming over to speak with her Mom about keeping me and Billy apart. I told her about Neil wanting to ship Billy off to military school and that this would give him a good enough excuse seeing as the school weren't really doing much. The doorbell rang "That must be him" I stood up "I'm gonna sneak out. Will you cover for me?"I asked her hopefully
"Sure.. But don't you want to hang around and eaves drop for a bit"
"Maybe I should" me and Stacey snuck downstairs and I listened through the kitchen door as Neil and Penny spoke. During the conversation Neil confirmed he'd already been applying Billy to Military School's across the country without his knowledge and my heart started pounding "Are you going to tell him?" Stacey asked me as I walked down the hallway and pulled my shoes on hurriedly "You're still grounded you know? If my Mom finds out your gone she'll kill you!" I smiled "Like I said, cover for me" Stacey sighed "Tell her I left my biology book in my locker so I went back to get it" she grumbled about it as I left quietly out of the front door and headed to Billy's just as it started to rain.


The rain was heavy when I knocked on his door I suddenly worried that Susan might be in and answer but thankfully it was Billy who appeared in front of me, wearing a muscle shirt and a pair of jeans "Hey" I greeted him. He pulled me into the house and pinned me to the wall in the hallway, pressing his mouth to my neck "where's Susan?" I asked him. He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me "She took Max out" he slipped his hands around my waist underneath my jacket and pulled me closer to him. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist as we started making out. I knew how tense I must have felt to him as he carried me to his bedroom, kicking the door shut behind us. We made out for a bit longer until he finally asked me what was wrong. I looked up at him as we stood against the wall "I overheard some of the conversation Penny and your Dad were having" he licked over his lips "I think he's sending you away" Billy's jaw stiffened at the statement "He's already been applying to schools for you" I told him as his hands left my body "Fuck" I bit my lip, feeling the lump in the back of my throat get more intense "I'm really sorry" I told him as he turned away from me
"It's not your fault... I have to go" he spoke calmly as he headed over to his closet and pulled out a suitcase "Wait what?" I questioned
"I'm getting the hell out of Hawkins. For good" I rushed over to him as he started stuffing his belongings into his bag "You're just going to leave?" I questioned him.
"What else am I supposed to do Kat? I'm fucking screwed!" The front door opened from down the hallway and we both looked at each other as his Dad's footsteps started to get closer. Billy grabbed me by the arm and shoved me into his closet "Keep quiet" he warned me as he slammed the doors shut and the bedroom door opened. I could see through the slats in the door as they spoke to each other "Have fun?" Billy questioned his Father as he continued to stuff his belongings into the suitcase "Planning on running again?" Billy shook his head but didn't answer. I could see Neil's hands clenching at his sides and I watched as he grabbed Billy by the throat and shoved him across the room and into the wall "You're not going anywhere. What did we talk about?" he spoke and I could see Billy getting riled up
"You told me to stay away from Kat" he mumbled.
"That's right, I did. So why haven't you been?" Neil's grip loosened on his Son and as soon as he'd let go of the collar of his shirt Billy threw a punch, he missed and his Dad shoved him back into the wall and hit him "Come on then Dad..Give me your best!" Billy spat. I swallowed hard as I watched them hit each other. I wanted to burst out of the closet and pry them apart but I stayed still "You just think you can solve everything by shipping me off to some school?" Neil threw his son to the ground and that's when I'd seen enough. I burst out of the closet and Neil turned to look at me "What in gods name are you doing here?" he shouted and I looked to Billy who was starting to get up from the floor. I grabbed the keys for the Camaro from the bedside table and left the room, praying Billy would follow behind me. I got out of the front door and ran down to the car unlocking it and getting into the drivers seat. I jammed the key into the ignition and started it. Billy eventually made his way down the steps and to the car. He was bleeding and I felt so much anger towards Neil for hurting him. He opened the door and looked down at me "Move over" I swallowed
"You're bleeding, I should drive you to the hospital"
"Move.Over or get the fuck out" I parted my lips and I let go of the steering wheel and moved across to the passenger side. He got in and sped away from the house. It was still raining and as I looked over at Billy I noticed that the wetness on his face wasn't just from the rain, he was crying. I'd never seen Billy cry before and it wasn't something I'd ever associate with him. He wasn't weak ever, so right now I didn't know what to say or do to comfort him. I turned back to the front window "Billy I think you should pull over" I told him. He ignored me instead and put his foot down harder on the gas "Billy I'm serious!" I told him raising my voice. He turned to look at me. He wasn't crying anymore but he was still bleeding "Where are we going?" I asked
"I'm driving until we run out of gas" I shook my head
"Let's just go to my Mom's place?"
"What do you even care Kat?" he questioned me "You're not even going to be here in A few months. You'll be with your Dad in Cali right? and I'll be stuck in some military school" I shook my head "Billy that's not exactly true... There's other ways. Just tell your Dad that you'll stay away from me" he let out a manic laugh
"You think it's so simple. It's too late for that" he shook his head
"Billy please just pull over or at least slow down" I pleaded with him. I turned to the road, my heart racing. Suddenly the wheels skidded in a wet patch on the road and as much as Billy tried to gain control of the car it didn't work. Everything went Black.


Damn, so sorry about the cliffhanger....

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