Chapter Nine

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The next week wentslowly and soon it was Christmas Eve "Are you sure you're ok havingme here?" I asked Penny as I helped her dry the dishes from dinner"Of course we're ok with you being here Kat. You're not a burden ifthat's what you're thinking" she handed me the next plate "ActuallyKat I was thinking tomorrow would be a good day for you to go and seeyour Mom?" I bit my lip "But it's Christmas Day?" Iquestioned
"Exactly.. I don't mind taking you" I placed theplate I'd dried down on the pile on the worktop
"I don't know,I'll think about it" Penny nodded "Have you erm, have you seenher since she got admitted?"
"I've been to see her a fewtimes" I was quite surprised by Penny's answer "She asksabout you, every time" I picked up another cup
"Ok. I'll go" she smiled "But. I think I want Steve to come with me"she raised an eyebrow
"Steve Harington?"
"Yeah, so itmight not be tomorrow because I'm guessing he'll be with family"she nodded
"Alright if that's what you want" I placed thelast cup down on the worktop and headed upstairs to Stacey's room"Hey" she greeted from her desk
"Do you mind if I borrowyour phone for a minute?" I asked her
"Yeah sure, you needprivacy?"
"Erm, no I'm gonna call my Dad and then Steve" Isat down on the end of Stacey's bed and pulled out my Dad's numberfrom my back pocket dialling it. It rang a few times before Carolanswered "Hi Carol, it's Katrina, Peter's Daughter"
"Oh hi,how are you doing?"
"I'm ok thanks, erm is my Dad there?" Iasked
"Yes of course,  just hold on a second" I waited for afew seconds before I heard my Dad's voice filter through the phone"Hey Hunny"
"Hi Dad! I just wanted to call and wish you aMerry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas to you too kid, how arethings in Indiana?"
"Things are getting better" I told himhonestly
"Good, look we're just trying to get the girls off tosleep so how about you call me tomorrow?" I licked over my lips"No, it's ok Dad. I'll speak to you soon though"
"Ok, speaksoon kid" I put the phone down and dialled Steve's number hoping Iwasn't disturbing any family time "Hello?"
"Mrs Harrington?Hi it's Katrina, is Steve there?"
"Hi Kat how are you doing?"
"Good thanks"
"Hold on a moment I'll just get him"
"Kat, hello"
"Hey.. So erm I think I'm ready to go seemy Mom in rehab" Steve was quiet for a moment
"Oh really?"
"Yeah and I want you to come with me"
"When?" heasked
"Well, Penny suggestsed tomorrow but I said I wanted youto come and I figured because it's Christmas tomorrow you might bebusy with-" Steve cut me off
"No, I'll take you tomorrow ifthat's what you want" I smiled
"Really?" I asked
"Ofcourse. Kat. My whole family is coming to my house tomorrow. They won't even notice I'm gone"
"Ok, is evening alright?"
"Evening isperfect, they'll be nice and drunk by then" I smiled
"Ok,I'll see you tomorrow then" Stacey came over andsat beside me as I hung up the phone "Are you not mad at your Dad?"she asked me

"I mean, kind of, I'm still mad that he didn't tryhard enough" I told her "But my Mom was strict and she thoughtthat if I saw what Dad had that I'd leave her and move in with him"
"Well, I'm just glad that things seem to be picking up for you"I smiled at her
"Me to" I laid back onto her bed and she laidbeside me
"Are you still upset about Billy?" I shrugged
"Kindof.. I think it will all come back to the surface when I see him youknow?" Billy was apparently back in Hawkins with his Dad afterspending a few days in a holding cell in California for drivingwithout a licence plate and stealing gas. According to none otherthan Jennifer of course "Do you think he'll come back to HawkinsHigh?" I asked turning my head from the ceiling to Stacey "Yeahhe definitely is. But we'll all be right by your side at School youknow that" I wrapped my arms around my best friend as someone knocked on the door
"Do you girls want to come down and playScrabble?" Penny asked as she walked in. Stacey laughed "Isuppose it is Christmas" she stood up and put her hand out to meand I took it as she helped me up.


Christmas day soon camearound and we'd just finished eating the amazing Turkey dinner thatPenny had made us. This was the first time in years that I'd had aproper Christmas. Penny had even bought me a couple of Christmaspresents in the shape of Gift vouchers for the local mall. Steve cameto pick me up whilst I was helping Penny with the dishes again. It had kind of become my job "Hi Steve,how are you?" Penny asked him as Kevin Stacey's Dad let him in
"HiPenny, Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas to you too, it's solovely what you're doing for Kat" I smiled as I placed the teatowel down "Yeah of course"
"I'll see you later Penny" Itold her
"Good luck sweetie, straight home after ok?" I noddedat her and went to get my jacket from the hallway, I pulled it on andSteve sighed "Don't you think you should stop wearing that?" heasked me referring to the Denim Jacket belonging to Billy "Myother's are upstairs" I told him. He stepped towards me and tookthe jacket from the one arm I'd put through it hanging it back up. Ibit my lip "I'll be two minutes" I told him before heading downthe hallway and upstairs to the spare room. I grabbed my leather onefrom the wardrobe and shrugged it on as I walked downstairs "Let'sgo" I said to Steve as I pulled my hair out from the back of thejacket.

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