Chapter Two

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I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright sunlight, the Car was moving. I sat up "What's going on?" I asked Billy as I reached down to pick up a pair of his sunglasses from the Car floor. I put them on and opened my eyes properly "We're on the highway.. Headed for Vegas" I chucked the blanket off of me and left it on the back seat as I climbed into the front, sitting straight onto something cool and metal. I pulled them out from underneath me "You got the plates off?" I asked as I held the Two California licence plates in my hand "Obviously" I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic reply and put my seat belt on "I think you should put them back on. If the cops pull us over for not having licence plates on we're going to be in even deeper shit than we already are" Billy just nodded, not listening to me at all "Are you hungry?" he asked me. Changing the subject
"A little" he looked across at me for a brief moment
"Cool, well next food place we see we'll pull over" I lent over and pressed my lips to his cheek softly.

We found a Diner and ordered Pancakes and Coffee "Are you excited about getting to California?" I asked him
"Yeah, of course I am it's my home" he told me as the Waitress came over with our food
"You're those two kids that are missing from that little Town in Indiana right?" she asked studying us. I looked from her to Billy who suddenly seemed tense. My heart started to race. The waitress couldn't have been that much older than us, maybe a couple of years "Please, don't call the Cops" I told her
"I'm not going to. You know they think you kidnapped her right?" she said to Billy and she laughed at the statement "You've seen the reports?" I shook my head "Hold on, I'll get you today's paper" she trotted off and I looked to Billy who pushed his plate away from him, clearly having lost his appetite. The waitress came back and placed the Newspaper down in front of me, opening it to the center where a picture of myself and Billy were shown. I read it carefully

'Hawkins Police are concerned for the well being of Seventeen year old Katrina Carter (Pictured Left) after not being seen since Monday Morning. Seventeen year old Billy Hargrove is also missing (Pictured on page 12). The pair are thought to be together but their whereabouts is still unknown at this stage. They are thought to be travelling in Mr Hargroves 1979 Camaro licence plate; PCE 235'

I pushed the paper towards Billy after finishing the article and I watched him as he read through it. My eyes drifted to the Waitress who was watching us curiously, as if we were from another planet. I spotted a payphone out of the corner of my eye by the restrooms "Billy do you have any spare coins on you?" I asked him, he shook his head still transfixed on the Newspaper. I stood up and dug around in my back pocket "I'm just going over to use the payphone" I informed him as I pulled out a couple of dollars. As soon as I got over there and lifted the receiver Billy's hand wrapped around mine and he slammed the phone back onto the hook. "Are you crazy?" he snapped "Who are you trying to call?" I turned to face him
"I was just going to call Stacey, to tell her I'm ok" Billy shook his head in slight amusement
"They could trace the call back here Kat.. Plus Stacey will more than likely be at School. So the only person you'll get through to is probably Penny and we both know that wouldn't be a good conversation" I sighed and looked down at my feet "Kat.. You just need to trust me, alright?" I looked back up at him "I trust you" I told him and he let go of my hand which was still wrapped around the phone on the wall. I let go of it and followed Billy back to the booth. The waitress was still hanging around our table "So what's the deal? Where are you headed?"
"California" I told her. Billy was staring at me from across the table "What?" I asked him
"She's asking that so she can tell the Cops" I looked back at the Waitress before picking up the Newspaper and shoving it into my bag as I stood up "We're leaving now, you never saw us" I told her as I stepped around her and out of the front doors. I watched Billy through the window as he gave her some cash from his back pocket and rubbed her arm as if appologising. He came out and pulled a cigarette from the carton in his hand. Placing it in between his lips and grabbing his lighter from his jacket pocket. I lent against the Car waiting for him to unlock it. He looked over at me and smirked, taking a drag of the Cigarette and walking over. He placed both of his hands either side of my head on the roof of the Camaro and I tilted my head, taking the Cigarette from between his lips and taking a drag. I breathed the smoke out and then lent up wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his "We need to get back on the road.." he mumbled against me. I wrapped my arms around him, underneath his jacket "Can I drive?" I asked him as I slipped my hand into his jean pocket to retrieve the keys. He snatched them back off of me "Not gonna happen" I smirked

"You sure?" I whispered into his neck
"Yeah" he stepped away from me and unlocked the Car getting in. I rolled my eyes and got into the passenger seat.


I slept on and off for a couple of hours and eventually the heat was getting too much, even with the windows down. "Are we close?" I asked him "I'm really thirsty"
"We're in the middle of the desert Kat..Another hour we'll be in Vegas" he reached into the storage compartment of his door and pulled out a water bottle handing it to me. I took it gratefully and took a sip every now and again, not wanting to waste it. Eventually we got into Las Vegas and I was totally mesmerized by the place as I looked out of the rolled down window. I'd seen the place in magazines but I never imagined I'd be here in real life. It wasn't late and it was extremely hot when Billy pulled the Camaro up in a space at the side of the road. I put my sunglasses on and got out of the Car stretching my legs as I waited for Billy. He came round to me and offered me his cigarette carton. I took one out and put it between my lips "I think this is the most excited I've been on this trip so far" I informed him as I pulled my lighter out of my pocket "You still look paranoid" I told him "Relax, it'll be fine" I linked my hand with his and he looked across at me "That's alright for you to say... They think I'm a kidnapper" I lent my head against his shoulder as we walked down the street "God, it's so hot... Maybe we should get Ice Cream" I told him he laughed at the suggestion

"I've got a better idea" he pulled me across the street where the huge hotels were and we walked down an alley way that led to the back of one of them where there was a swimming pool "You bring your Bikini or are we skinny dipping?" Billy teased
"Don't we have to be guests at the hotel to use the pool?" I asked him "Or is this a surprise? Did you call up ahead and book us a Suite?" he shook his head
"Sorry babe" he took my hand and we walked around the pool to a sun lounger he pulled his shirt off and then started unbuckling his jeans "Wait, you aren't serious?" I asked him
"You're wearing underwear right?" I nodded, folding my arms across my chest "Then come on!" he stated standing up and walking over to the pool that a few people were in. I looked from Billy to the lifeguard who, to be honest looked pretty disinterested as he read a magazine. I sighed and uncrossed my arms. It was super hot and the pool looked too tempting. Screw it I thought to myself. You only live once right? I took my shirt off to reveal the Red bra I was wearing and then got out of my jeans.. Unfortunately my pants were Black so didn't really match the bra but whatever. I jumped into the pool and submerged myself under the water before coming back up for air in front of Billy. He smiled at me as I swept my now soaked hair from my face. He wrapped his arms around my waist "Nice pants" I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his hips. I bit my lip as I connected eyes with him "Thank you Billy" I told him
"What for?"
"For helping me out" he smirked
"We're helping each other out" he told me "There's no where I'd rather be than California" I nodded and he pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back and got caught up in the moment before Billy shoved me under the water. I came straight back up coughing and spluttering out the water I'd inhaled before chasing after Billy and jumping on his back.


we spent most of the day in the pool before trying to dry as much of ourselves off in the sun afterwards. I got dressed and looked across at Billy as he watched me through his shades "Are you not worried?" he asked me leaning up on his elbows to face me properly
"What do you mean?" I questioned "Are you talking about the fact there's probably a search party out looking for us?" he shook his head
"No, I mean seeing your Dad for the first time?" I shrugged as I pulled my shirt over my head
"Kind of.. I'm a little bit worried that he'll reject me and send me packing" I did my jeans up and walked around to the sunbed he was lying on "Scoot up" I asked him and he did. I lay down beside him pressing my cheek against his chest as he wrapped an arm around me. He pressed his lips to my head "He'd be stupid to send you away, you're a great Girl Kat.. Even if your school record says otherwise" I chuckled and closed my eyes. Enjoying the sound of Billy's heart beat and the feel of the sun on my face.

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