july 2022

117 4 1

This was weird.

What the hell was he supposed to do? Apologize? Get up and hug her? He'd just invited her to his baby shower a couple weeks ago, and he regretted it with every bone in his body.

Not to mention the good-looking man that walked in with her. Who was that?

A few minutes later everyone was sitting back down at the table, now with Kacie and the guy who was with her, all attention on them.

"So how's London?" she heard Kourtney ask.

It felt like being a celebrity, as Kacie tried to get around to everyone and answer every question.

Her and Christian were sat next to Mady and the Kershaws, as Christian made small-talk with Clayton and Ellen, while Mady and Kacie talked back and forth.

"You know everyone is eager to know who the hell is sitting next to you?" Mady giggled.

Kacie noticed that since she'd left Mady had seemed happier. She highly doubted that it was because she left— but Kacie was just glad that Mady could now be happy 60 percent of the time instead of 50.

"They can always just ask," she shrugged, "I mean, how do they even know he's my date?"

"With the way Cody's eyeing him one can only assume he is. Did you tell him?"

"What?" Kacie quietly exclaimed, "I didn't even see him when I walked in—"

"So I'm assuming you didn't tell him..."

"No, I haven't talked to him in months. Not until he invited me to his baby shower."

"He invited you to his baby shower?" Mady asked, eyes wide as a palm went over her face.

"Yeah, how'd he even get my address?" Kacie asked, her brown eyes briefly leaving Mady to catch a glimpse of where Cody was.

He was positioned to the left of the table, talking to Freddie and Chelsea Freeman, LA's newest additions.

"Dunno, Leighton maybe?"

"Probably. Gosh, I'm gonna kill him."

"Are you gonna go?"


"I was expecting a hard no."

"I don't want him to think I still hate him."

"But you do,"

"I don't hate him, not anymore. I'm still angry at what he did, but... I don't know."

"Even after fully distancing yourself from LA and America you still can't forget him, huh?"

"Nope. We were so happy together. He was the best four years of my life and now I'm looking to find better, even if it's with someone else..." both Kacie and Mady's eyes wandered towards Christian. His head was thrown back, laughing at something Trea had said.

"He seems like a good fit, y'know."

"Really?" Kacie asked, wondering what Mady meant by it.

"The way he looks at you, K. The way he smiled as he watched us all hug you. He's got real heart eyes for you."

Kacie's eyes slid back to Christian, he still had a huge smile on his face.

His dark brown eyes then wandered back to Kacie's as they locked and they shared a smile, until the little moment was sorta ruined.

'Attention all guests, please join me in the main room for the auction' echoed Chris on a speaker.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

🎶iiiii want you and i always will🎶
🎶🎶i wish i was worth🎶🎶
🎶but ik what you deserveeeee🎶

bitter love ❂  Cody BellingerWhere stories live. Discover now