Misadventure in Mexico (sickfic)

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"Anyone for pizza?" Niall asked, waving the menus around. We were at a resort in Mexico, taking a couple days off after a long run of shows (the latest having been in Mexico), and it seemed there was a pizza bar open this evening. Everyone was pretty pumped, but I couldn't quite muster up the same excitement. My stomach was still feeling pretty full from dinner, too full, really.

"I'm out," I admitted. "I'm pretty tired, think I'll head to bed."

The lads all wished me a good sleep, and I headed back to the room. As I slowly got ready for bed, I realized that my stomach was quite bloated and uncomfortable. I sat on the toilet for a few minutes before crawling into bed, hoping it would relieve some of the pressure. Unfortunately, I was left feeling just as gross.

Lying in bed just made me realize how awful I was feeling. The fullness of my stomach meant I couldn't lie on my stomach, the way I normally slept. I tried lying on my side, but between the unfamiliar position and the discomfort, I couldn't seem to get to sleep. I lay as motionless as I could, hoping the food would digest and I would start feeling better. Niall came to bed and I was still lying there awake, though I let him think I was sleeping, just so he wouldn't think I was lame for leaving them and then just sitting in the room by myself.

By 3 o'clock, I hadn't dozed off yet, and my tummy was just as full as when I had climbed in bed. In fact, it was feeling worse. As I turned over, my gut flipped, and I realized that I wasn't just feeling uncomfortable anymore. I was feeling sick.

I continued to just lie still, hoping if I stayed still long enough it would go away. Sadly, the flipping and swirling increased until I was swallowing rapidly in hopes that I wouldn't throw up.

I slapped my hands over my mouth as my stomach lurched harder than it had been. I rushed out of bed and stumbled toward the bathroom as quickly as I could, holding back a gag. As I passed through the door to the bathroom, my tenuous hold on my stomach failed briefly and I vomited into my hand. I kept it over my mouth and scrambled the last few feet to the toilet, where I fell to my knees as I lost the battle with my stomach completely. I rested my forearms on the seat, sick dripping from my hands. Miserably, I knelt there, retching repeatedly into the water.

Finally, I felt like I was done, and sat back, shaking, to catch my breath. The bathroom was dark, as I hadn't had time to hit a light switch on my way in. The darkness helped, preventing me from having to see the toilet full of sick as I tried to recover my bearings.

Slowly, after flushing the toilet, I stood up and turned on the light. I knew I was going to have some cleanup to do, as there was no way it all made it in the toilet, but my first task was to get myself clean. I leaned on the counter and weakly turned on the tap, first rinsing my hands and forearms, then splashing water on my face. We had been warned not to drink the water, so I contented myself with spitting as much of the taste out as I could for the moment.

I peeked out the door of the bathroom to see Niall still fast asleep. Crouching down, l peered at the floor by the door to see if any sick had seeped through my hand. I breathed a silent sigh of relief when I discovered the floor was clean. I tiptoed out to grab a water bottle, not wanting to wake Niall as we were all exhausted, then closed the door behind me on my way back into the bathroom.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath as I turned away from the door. While I hadn't made a mess on the floor, the mirror next to the door was splattered top to bottom in sick. It had apparently sprayed out between my fingers when I lost control briefly. I decided to ignore it for the moment, and went to the sink to rinse my mouth out first. Once I had mostly gotten the taste washed out, I shakily grabbed my shower towel from the day before and used it to slowly clean the area around the toilet, as well as the disgusting mirror. There were still some streaks by the time I was done, but I couldn't be bothered to spend any more time on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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