Harry separation anxiety

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Just a relatively short oneshot, a request from rapid34

Harry and Liam are married. The other three are their kids, but they aren't explicitly mentioned, so you can imagine their ages however you like.

"What're you doing, babe?" Liam asked, seeing Harry pull his coat on.

"Going with you to the store, what do you think I'm doing?" Harry grabbed some gloves and started to put them on.

Liam sighed. "No, Haz, you have to stay with the kids. You know that. I'm just popping out to buy milk, it'll be a quarter of an hour. Not long at all."

"If it's so short, why can't I just come?" Harry responded, tone verging on a whine.

"You know how quickly the boys can go from playing happily to fighting and hurting each other. I need you to stay home with them, make sure they're okay."

Harry nodded, taking his coat off reluctantly. "You'll be back quick, right?" he asked worriedly, hugging Liam.

"Course, love. Twenty minutes at the most, I promise." Liam held his husband tight for a moment before pulling away slowly. "See you in a bit." He headed outside and got in the car, sighing to himself.

Harry had been exhibiting odd behaviour recently, always wanting to be with Liam and getting stressed out when he couldn't be. Thankfully both of them had been off work for a couple weeks because of the kids' Christmas holidays, otherwise they would have been facing some big complications. But something would need to be done soon, as it was getting worse. Liam just wanted to buy milk after all. If Harry couldn't handle being away from him for twenty minutes, something was definitely wrong.


"Why do I need to go to the doctor, Li? I'm fine," Harry complained as soon as they pulled away from Liam's parents' house, where they had left their kids for a few hours while Liam took Harry to the doctor.

"You know you've been off for a while, love. I just want to make sure you're okay and see if there's anything we can do to help you," Liam responded calmly, taking one hand off the steering wheel to rest it on Harry's shoulder momentarily.

"But I'm fine! I don't want to go," Harry protested.

The pattern continued the whole drive to the doctor's office, Harry complaining and protesting while Liam responded, gently but firmly insisting that it was necessary.

When they arrived, harry stayed stubbornly in his seat, refusing to get out of the car even after Liam undid his seatbelt for him and went around to open his door.

"I don't want to, Li," Harry whined, a glaze of tears shining in his green eyes.

"You'll be fine, I promise babe. I'll go in with you. But if you don't get yourself out of the car and into the building now, I won't give you any cuddles tonight," Liam threatened, feeling a little like he was reasoning with a small child.

At that, Harry relented and got up, following Liam into the doctor's office.

Inside, they learned that Harry was struggling with separation anxiety (something Liam had sort of guessed for himself), and were referred to a psychologist who could help him work through it. It was a difficult journey, especially the first few appointments when Harry found out Liam couldn't' go in with him, but eventually he was able to be much more at ease being away form his husband.

Requests still closed. I'll try to work through what I have as quickly as possible.

Hope you all had a good Christmas/New Years!

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